Re: Sociable Soccer - Jon Hare's new football game is on KICKSTARTER!

8 years 8 months ago #131199 by ElMichaJ
well sad news ....

Multi Player online career would be the best .... but now its only a game, which i am not really interested in ....

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
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8 years 8 months ago #131201 by higgipoker

well sad news ....

Multi Player online career would be the best .... but now its only a game, which i am not really interested in ....

Don t take this the wrong way, but isn t that a little short sighted? This project needs your support!

We only got SWOS after years of Sensible Soccer topping the charts. The success allowed them to spend three years developing an awesome career mode on top of an already great game.

Unless we want to wait 6 years for the game (never mind the financial impossibility), a great game with slick online play is already enough to expect.
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8 years 8 months ago #131202 by steviebwoy78

well sad news ....

Multi Player online career would be the best .... but now its only a game, which i am not really interested in ....

Don t take this the wrong way, but isn t that a little short sighted? This project needs your support!

We only got SWOS after years of Sensible Soccer topping the charts. The success allowed them to spend three years developing an awesome career mode on top of an already great game.

Unless we want to wait 6 years for the game (never mind the financial impossibility), a great game with slick online play is already enough to expect.

Totally agree with higgipoker here. It s driving me a bit potty that people aren t thinking about the long game for this one. Too many spoilt children throwing their dolls out of their prams because they re not getting everything they want all at once. This is just the first iteration. In order for you to have your online career Mr SWOS Legend , you have to help to build the series from the ground up.

Jon hasn t got the money or time to do everything we want. It takes time, and it ll take investment. He won t be able to please everyone and he s probably as frustrated as we are that he can t do everything he wants to - but support the Kickstarter, show him that we want a new footie game from Jon Hare, and he can build from the first release.

It s just the beginning, without your support there won t even be a beginning. Get on board and show the world that we re fed up with next gen bullshit football games. It s time for the King to return.
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8 years 8 months ago #131203 by ElMichaJ
well .... i will support the game a bit.

i really must say that i dont like the graphic styles and the name.

they are the coders, so they decide what they want to realize.

i really hope that they will include maybe an arcade mode with old gaming style ...
because currently it looks like a mix of sensi 98 and sensi 2006, which were both bullshit.

also they should have a better board, where its possible to discuss feature wishes and so on.

- career mode
- better diycup generator (the current descripted way is not really good)
- fast gaming, one button, no 3d, swos layout

thats my opinion and the reason, why i am a bit scared to suppurt with full heart

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
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8 years 8 months ago #131204 by higgipoker
This is why I was kinda trying to emphasize in a previous post - this is not Sensible Soccer. This has nothing to do with Sensible Soccer. We should not base expectations on Sensible Soccer.

It is a completely new game from the creator of Sensible Soccer.

Rather than holy shit a new sensible soccer! The hype should be holy shit a brand new footy game from Jon Hare!

I understand the use of the name to drum up support and interest, but it s kind of a catch 22.

All I ll say about the graphic style and name is that people said the same thing about original sensi... then they played it and the rest is history.

Completely agree that a dedicated forum for the community would be nice. Perhaps this is something they are holding off on until the project is funded.... or not!

And I also agree with you on the control system, but Hare has earned my blind faith for now :) I ll support the game until release no matter what bat-shit crazy things they announce in the meantime ;)

P.S. I don t really know a lot about the kickstarter model - what is the likely course of events if they don t achieve the funding goal?
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8 years 8 months ago #131205 by steviebwoy78

well .... i will support the game a bit.

i really must say that i dont like the graphic styles and the name.

they are the coders, so they decide what they want to realize.

i really hope that they will include maybe an arcade mode with old gaming style ...
because currently it looks like a mix of sensi 98 and sensi 2006, which were both bullshit.

also they should have a better board, where its possible to discuss feature wishes and so on.

- career mode
- better diycup generator (the current descripted way is not really good)
- fast gaming, one button, no 3d, swos layout

thats my opinion and the reason, why i am a bit scared to suppurt with full heart

That s good, sorry if I seemed a little harsh before! I think there s a lot of people who are just refusing to back the project at all just because it doesn t offer absolutely everything they want straight away. It s a shame and it s going to cost Jon a lot of backers I think.

It s fairly modest investment of 15eur or so, but think of where this series might go if Jon does get the backing he hopes for. That s what I m thinking of, and have so far pledged £60 with that in mind. Don t forget - if Jon doesn t hit his target, you don t pay for anything anyway.

You re right about a feature request board, but unfortunately the Kickstarter format is pretty limited with just a comments board available.
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8 years 8 months ago - 8 years 8 months ago #131206 by Retrieving

Confirmed, no career mode.

We only got SWOS after years of Sensible Soccer topping the charts. The success allowed them to spend three years developing an awesome career mode on top of an already great game.

I disagree. It s 2015, the Online Career mode should ve been a given from the get go. Just look at FIFA, they wouldn t be as successful if they didn t have Ultimate Team.

What s funny is, we managed to implement a fully functional Online Career mode for the old Amiga SWOS (with mobile phones compatibility) on the italian website, which includes a proprietary editor to pull the data off the site and inject it in the game and real-time, fantasy-football style transfer-market and it was almost entirely coded by 1 dude (UmbytheJediKnight) who isn t even a professional programmer, during his lunch breaks (Sox contributed too and I don t think he s a programmer either), yet these guys can t even contemplate adding something similar to their brand new game (albeit on a larger scale) which is supposed to be reminiscent of SWOS, with a 300k pounds budget and a triple A team in charge of the development. SMH.

Surely social media integration or clan battles are more important for a SWOS spiritual successor than a properly coded Career Mode. Said no one ever.
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8 years 8 months ago #131207 by higgipoker

I disagree. It s 2015, the Online Career mode should ve been a given from the get go. Just look at FIFA, they wouldn t be as successful if they didn t have Ultimate Team.

Ehm you disagree with what exactly? The part you quoted was just a statement of fact. FIFA also added features incrementally after very basic beginnings.

I think you are underestimating just how challenging it is for a small team to develop a game like this even with no online component.

A polished 3D footy game, with all the standard offline modes, plus a slick online mode, PLUS a universe style career mode in one year, with an indie team of 4 or 5 people?

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8 years 8 months ago - 8 years 8 months ago #131209 by Retrieving

I disagree. It s 2015, the Online Career mode should ve been a given from the get go. Just look at FIFA, they wouldn t be as successful if they didn t have Ultimate Team.

Ehm you disagree with what exactly? The part you quoted was just a statement of fact. FIFA also added features incrementally after very basic beginnings.

I think you are underestimating just how challenging it is for a small team to develop a game like this even with no online component.

A polished 3D footy game, with all the standard offline modes, plus a slick online mode, PLUS a universe style career mode in one year, with an indie team of 4 or 5 people?

Well, maybe if they weren t rushing it out the door for whatever reason...

And yes, I disagree, strongly, with the fact that we should be content with a SWOS Spiritual successor that doesn t even include a single player Career Mode, let alone an Online one.

It s an alleged AAA software house with one of the greatest game designers of all time at the helm, get it done, or stop bringing SWOS into the picture.

If one person, who isn t even a professional programmer, managed to code something that works beautifully for like 100~ players, with zero funding and nothing but the input of a bunch of oldschool SWOS players as blueprints, why couldn t they?

That being said, I feel like I owe Jon for creating the best football game of all time, so I ll be backing this project no matter what... but yeah, the more I hear about this project details, the less inclined to get hyped up I become.

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8 years 8 months ago #131210 by higgipoker

It s an alleged AAA software house with one of the greatest game designers of all time at the helm, get it done, or stop bringing SWOS into the picture.

It seems your hostility stems mostly from the use of the SWOS name, right? On this point I totally understand and agree to a large extent. Your attitude is precisely why I was saying that this game has absolutely nothing to do with SWOS. It is a brand new game. However, as the creator of SWOS, deosn t Jon have the right to invoke it in order to promote his new project? Again, It s a catch 22 for me.

If one person, who isn t even a professional programmer, managed to code something that works beautifully for like 100~ players, with zero funding and nothing but the input of a bunch of oldschool SWOS players as blueprints, why couldn t they?

I m sure they could, and probably will if the game is a success. This one person, who isn t a professional programmer, didn t have to build a great game from the ground up. It s a bit insulting to be honest.

A career mode (online or offline) is absolutely worthless if they don t get the gameplay right first. Exactly like they did with Sensible Soccer. Had they taken the extra time to include career mode on release day, you d probably never have heard of Sensible Soccer today.
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