Re: Turniej w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (pod Wawą) luty/marzec

12 years 6 days ago #116786 by postlarval
Ja bede prawdopodobnie z acidzooq jechal samochodem wiec mozemy kogos po drodze zabrac :)

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11 years 11 months ago #116869 by AndYpsilon
Hi Dior an everybody else,

i might be interested in participating in your tournament in march. However, i cannot say yet if there is a cheap travel connection for me or if i get a few days off from my employee.
I can only say by the end of next week.

However, i m thinking about it and always motivated for offline-SWOS ,)

Are there any detail information about the cup? My polish is not sooo good - kurwa :)
Infos e.g. about tournament fee, playing time, tournament mode, tactic rules for amiga and pc, own controllers allowed etc.?

Looking forward to your answers!

Greetz Andy

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11 years 11 months ago - 11 years 11 months ago #116876 by dior
Hello Andy. What a good news. I really hope you will make it - you are very welkome!
It will be a small offline tournament. It will take apart in private house in Grodzisk Mazowiecki (small town near Warsaw, where is my uncle huse).
Conditions are quite comftable to play tourmanent there (no need to warries about noise or time) but it might be a bit uncomfortable with the sleeping places. There is 5 rooms - one i reserved for Elmichaj and his girlfirend second for other copple, so we ll have 3 rooms (3 duble beds, one single bed, one duble matress). Theres is only one bathroom in house. So you have to be prepared for this, pls take sleeping bag if you can.
We will have house for us from friday to sunday.
We ll play both platforms. I have 2 amiga 1200 and one working PC (i ll try go prepare second one). Depends of how many people will come im planning to play 1 or 2 groups and then KO - standard ;)
What more to say... There is quite cheap train tickets from Berlin to Warsaw, try also - bus line site. You can go to Poland very cheap and it take 9h - just as a train trip - for excample you can buy tickets both ways Berlin - Warsaw for about 36 euro now.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask here or via private massage or just call me (+48 888 810 928).
greetz :)

PS you speak very good polish!
PS2 since Days 2010 and 2012 when you kicked me out in first Amiga KO games im so looking forward to take revange! ;D

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11 years 11 months ago #116877 by dior
I just found your priv massage from 2.02 (sorry for not answering i didn t log in on main page). About the tactic - basicly we play without tacts but if you want to use your (at least in you home games) i see no problem. About the time of tourmanent we will start as soon as possible on Saturday. Altough it will be a small cup, so i think 12 or 13 would be ok - no need to rush. All depends of participans ;)

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11 years 11 months ago #116896 by Blazej_Bdg

Ja bede prawdopodobnie z acidzooq jechal samochodem wiec mozemy kogos po drodze zabrac :)

A jedziecie może przez Bydgoszcz? Jak tak to ja chętnie się z Wami zabiorę

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11 years 11 months ago #116903 by romaneq
ja odpadam sorki, nie ogarnę

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11 years 11 months ago #116904 by postlarval
z gdyni przez bydgoszcz to to troche na okolo
mozemy jednak jechac przez torun, prawdopodobnie bedziemy ruszac z gdanska w piatek kolo 15:00 wiec bedziemy kolo torunia w granicach 1730-1800, wiec jakbys znalazl polaczenie z toruniem/grudziadzem lub okolicach to mozemy cie zabrac. w grupie zawsze razniej :)

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11 years 11 months ago #116910 by dzem
Dzięki za trzymanie mnie na liście;) potwierdzam, że dalej walczę - jak tylko odpadnę lub potwierdzę to na pewno napiszę. Dobrze widzieć, że tak czy siak turniej 1. odbędzie się, 2. zapowiada się zajebiaszczo;)
Legendarny, obiecywany turniej w Warszawie (no prawie w ;P) coraz bliżej...

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11 years 11 months ago #116911 by dior
Hej Dżemik, Ty to teraz powinieneś się przede wszystkim rodziną zajmować ;) Ale jeśli tylko znajdziesz możliwość, żeby się urwać na sobotę, to Stary, wpadaj, koniecznie wpadaj! Ciebie nie powinno tam zabraknąć!

Romaneq, ja rozumiem, że dałeś spokój z Grodziskiem, ale z Berlina rezygnować? Dlaczego?!

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11 years 11 months ago #116923 by dior
tymczasem w odległej galaktyce

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