Respect for your opponents

13 years 7 months ago #94509 by Pallister

Please formulate a paragraph for such situations which is sort of undisputable (include quotes etc etc.)! Formulate a justified ban-time as well

As you wish. Ban-time for the following said/written words:

LOL = 1 day
ROFL = 1 week
ROFLMAO = 2 weeks
OMG = 1 day
WTF?!? = 1 week
HF = 1 day
U2 = 1 week
HF GL = 1 week
U2 = 1 month
Sorry = 3 months
Answer with NP = 6 months
Sorry :((( = Lifetime ban!
Answer with NP = Double Lifetime ban!

Come on, lads. Where should that lead to? Where do you want to start? Do we really need to administrate another region for unfair behaviour/disrespect/provocation? I mean...who will take care about that? And who will decide what s discussable?

Easier to post in the tribunal and give points for uncommon behaviours to the guilty members. 3 points = 4 week ban! Insult = 1 point, scoring OG = 1 point, leaving the game = 1 point etc. Sure thing that it belongs to lobo to make an instant ban for very rude behaviour.

In this case here I laughed a bit to be honest. I can t remember a time where I knew Schulle in an other way than reported here ;D He never understood that scoring OGs is more than unfair for his opponent. He just don t think about that...he s pissed sometimes. And it s his way to show his pissness (HAHA...I m sure that word doesn t exist).

I ve read the whole thread here (phew, tooks some time) and I better don t comment some of the posted opinions ::)
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13 years 7 months ago - 13 years 7 months ago #94513 by Retrieving

In this case here I laughed a bit to be honest. I can t remember a time where I knew Schulle in an other way than reported here ;D He never understood that scoring OGs is more than unfair for his opponent. He just don t think about that...he s pissed sometimes. And it s his way to show his pissness (HAHA...I m sure that word doesn t exist).

Don t people give Jack33 a lot of shit for doing exactly the same thing?

I ve seen people in chat mocking his attitude and telling others not to play with him because of the Own Goals thing.

It simply isn t cool, no matter how you look at it. If one can t keep his temper in check during the game he just shouldn t bother playing online because his smartassery is just going to either affect the outcome of the match or ruin his opponent s fun.

Look, I m an obnoxious argumentative knucklehead myself at times and when I get mad over something I generally start spouting nonsense uncontrollably (although it doesn t last long lol ;D) however even I know better than talking shit to an opponent during a match (unless he s a very close friend and we re openly joking about it, which is clearly not the case here) or scoring own goals. :)

Come on, lads. Where should that lead to? Where do you want to start? Do we really need to administrate another region for unfair behaviour/disrespect/provocation? I mean...who will take care about that? And who will decide what s discussable?

Easier to post in the tribunal and give points for uncommon behaviours to the guilty members. 3 points = 4 week ban! Insult = 1 point, scoring OG = 1 point, leaving the game = 1 point etc. Sure thing that it belongs to lobo to make an instant ban for very rude behaviour.

Couldn t agree more, we re neither robots nor retards. ;)

I don t need a word-by-word quotes breviary to tell that something s up. Some people however tend to throw a blind eye and donwplay the issues when it comes to judging their buddies, imho (personal opinion, make of it what you will), so how about we make it a lil more democratic:

Open up the Arbitral Tribunal to those who don t belong to the staff, each federation (including Euroleague) votes 3 representatives every 6 months, picking from a pool of volunteers and disputes get sorted out through these people s voting (you d have to state clearly and motivate your choices, backing them up coherently with rules, debating, etc., don t need to type an essay though, even a brief explaination will do).

Everyone from will be allowed to post their opinion in the thread albeit only the representatives will be allowed to cast a vote.

Threads won t be hidden or deleted anymore and will stay in this section for everyone to see for the time being.

Both ISSF and controversies will be settled through the reformed Arbitral Tribunal.

The higher up and ISSF officers (Playa, lobo, ElmichaJ, Redhair, Schulle, Eleven, etc.) will THEN pick a punishment for the abuser depending on the severity of the infraction (I like that points system of yours, so perhaps you could link x violation with y amounts of points and once you re past z total points you get a certain number of days of ban...or something, I think there s already a bunch of rules in place for this), if needed be.

What do you think about my idea? :D

EDIT: This system could also be applied to the decision making process involved in choosing stuff like SRN bonus points for cups and tournaments, the next Sensidays host country, whether ESC could be clicked or not if an Injury occurs within 2 minutes from starting a match...etc. Just saying. :)
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13 years 7 months ago - 13 years 7 months ago #94515 by lemonheadiv

That thing about some people are more equal than others is pure non-sense to me.

The fact of Schulle not beign the best loser and easily frustrated is cold coffee for Playa and sort of funny for Waenae and Pallister. If you want to know about me, I saw him frustrated sometimes but never until that point (and since he knows me too I could expect he would take his time to say something to me about that...nevermind). So, is reiteration ok for you?
Don t get me wrong, a little bit of sympathy from/for people you know you is perfectly understandable. But...what about Infiltrate, for example? He was known for not beign a good loser, maybe he got sympathy too, maybe, but...he was banned. Maybe on the principe that scoring owngoals is unfair no matter who s involved? Again, I didn t ask for a ban and I m not doing it now.

I remember that Infiltrate s case was ASL material, but let s be honest: the whole jurisdiction thing doesn t hold up well if we look at the old topics; if my memory serves me right, there have been disputes on Euro Cup s matches in the tribunal before and they have been dealt with (with Lobo having the final word). So this can t quite explain the lack of feedback, can it?
To avoid further misunderstandings I suggest this change: ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL - Discussions about unfair members in s competitions (now ISSF free!)

On the rules subject: I think they are clear (I am referring to the rule book Playa linked). Unless you want me to compile a list of insults like Pallister ironically did. :)
Maybe this case was too controversial? Maybe Lobo is wrong in what he writes about owngoals (tell Infiltrate in that case)?

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13 years 7 months ago #94516 by Schulle
I wonder what s the intention of you - Lemonhead, Retrieving and MT653 - do you want to see me hang on the swos-gallow? Laying under the guillotine?

This topic is leading nowhere but to more personal stuff and phrases like when will Schulle be punished .
Everytime a reasonable proposal Playa asked for is made - one of you comes up with next fact so he can point the finger on me.

This is a oldschool game forum platform - not a personal court of justice. Too much heat in it at all.

If you find something unfair in my lines above - just ask for a ban - to end this discussion - it is getting ridiculous..
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13 years 7 months ago - 13 years 7 months ago #94517 by Playaveli
Infiltrate got banned because of cheating and using the f-word against some of his opponents!
Schulle shows bad bahaviour, but didn t cheat or insult someone with swearing words.

I am an admin, but I refuse to be the behaviour-police after so many years. It was not my job to post in here. And I am sure Lemon knew I was on his side , even without posting.
Mt wrote something about fair-play policy. Actually, something like that does not exist in written form, neither on the website nor this forum.
A fair-play policy every human being should be educated by his parents, school, teacher or whoever, but not by a gaming-website! If there is a lack in that direction, we don t change anything. Never ever! Of course, we don t have to be happy about that and I admire people with idealism, since I got a lot of it as well.

Maybe this case was too controversial?

For me, it was never controversial in the first place! Roll your eyes once or twice, and get over it!

To avoid further misunderstandings I suggest this change: ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL - Discussions about unfair members in s competitions (now ISSF free!)

That s not necessary. It can be posted in here, even ISSF stuff. But an ISSF admin has to deal with it. Especially in cases like this, which are not a crystal-clear ban-reason.
Maybe Lobo had the last word in some Euro-League case, where punishment was 100% clear and he only wanted to help and close the case quickly.

@ Retri:
I will reply to your suggestions later. Gotta go now!
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13 years 7 months ago #94518 by Wänä81
Hey lemon,

this is the right place to post such things, also for ISSF stuff.

But as i mentioned before, the ISSF-admins has to punish themself. Here are the rules!

11. Punishments
Dear SWOS players, ISSF European Cups are thought to have fun together. We are organizing these cups not for our own pleasure. Cups and leagues are good only when they are played. Our target is to reach the maximum number of participants and played games and MAXIMUM FUN in a sweet but hard conflict in a relaxed way - and same time under tough fights ...
Games, that you think, you have to win, games, that you think, you play for your country, games, that you have fun with it, games, that you get angry because you lose, games, that we all are here for… Because we all love this game. The concept should be clear: If you don’t enjoy playing, don’t disturb other players, who play fairly and who have fun.
We are actually sorry to set some rules to avoid the problems like this. Please note that nobody forced to participate in any ISSF Euro Cup.
First of all, the general SWOS rules on should be accepted as our main rules. By suspended players are also suspended from all ISSF european competitions.
A player will be punished if he:
1. left the game (while playing) without agreement and reason
2. scores own goals intentionaly

Punishment can be (after a warning)
-3 or -6 points on group stage
suspension for one season (or suspension from the actual season)

We apologise for any inconvenience.
Best Regards
ISSF European Cups
Organisation Committee

Schulle has to punish Schulle in that case ;) Don t be pissed mate. These are your rules!
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13 years 7 months ago #94520 by Schulle
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13 years 7 months ago #94524 by Playaveli
Hm, alright! I guess that is the end of this discussion and finally the right thing to do.
ISSF comitee, please take over in the other topic which Schulle has linked to, above!

I will close this topic now.
But I will open a new one later today where I catch up with Retri s suggestions and where all of you can keep discussing (not about this case, but future ones, to avoid misunderstandings). I already have something in mind.

Cu later!
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