Respect for your opponents

13 years 7 months ago #94323 by Emmeti

Despite the smiley (which shall indicate any sort of humor?!), this is a pretty much baseless assumption.
Please omit those kind of unfounded assertions. They only cause confusion for no good reason.

Well,that makes smile because it s so true, I really think retrieving has a point there actually.
Let s try to be honest, another person doing the same thing would be treated in a different way and WE all know that. This topic would be full of posts saying how bad that attitude is, ban him, Viva el fair play...etc. etc.
I wonder why retrieving said that, where is it coming from? Imagination?
I respect you Playaveli, but admitting that retrieving is probably right doesn t imply is a bad place or something. Actually this site is great, Admin did a great job to keep swos alive and I would never thank you guys enough, but it s sad to see that here some members are more equal than others .

Yes - sorry!

Ah, and it is a topic which is from september and thus some (or better long ) time ago.

But nice to see people, at least I am only talking about mt653, sticking around in old graves...

Excuse me, blame my english, but I don t know what you mean. What am I doing exactly?
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13 years 7 months ago #94324 by lobo
Replied by lobo on topic Re: Respect for your opponents
Well. What Retri has just said is a hypocrisy in puriest form. I can t be bothered to dig out old threads from the archive to show who writes 30 pages baseless assumptions asking for players to be banned for no reason. I thought that, not a smiley was supposed to be a sarcasm. This tribunal is public and opened for members to speak their mind and it seems to be the most popular one too. What you say about not treating members fair is very unjust, but you are always entitled to your own opinion. I couldn t see anyone being disgusted with Schulle s behaviour so don t blame the admins.
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13 years 7 months ago #94325 by Emmeti
Blame the admins?
I just said a lot of people didn t say anything because it was schulleee...that s all and I am pretty sure of that.

And actually I don t understand your post....what I would like to know from you is:
is that fair play?
is that respecting the opponent?
is that the kind of behaviour you expect from a member and organizer?

If your answer is yes, then your post makes sense to me...otherwise...

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13 years 7 months ago #94326 by lobo
Replied by lobo on topic Re: Respect for your opponents
The answer to all your questions is no and you know it. Do you expect him to be banned or disciplined for it though. And it s not because it s Schulle, it s about the situation when someone has a bad day but enters the result and apologizes in the end, no harm done.
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13 years 7 months ago #94328 by Emmeti
I understand your point of course. I am just trying to say that it s impossible to draw a line saying : this is a bad day this is an insult (change insult with the word you prefer) so in general you say : this must not happen, period, otherwise everyone could say that had a bad day.
Sorry is not the magic word...and if this time you let him go with that, next time someone could say why me and not him? And people in the past? So insult is bad, bad attitude + own goal is good? I am just pointing out this is what your words imply ,unfortunately.
If this is a precedent , is a bad one.
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13 years 7 months ago #94329 by Ali
Replied by Ali on topic Re: Respect for your opponents
Schulle must be banned. Schulle knows it too. Think he will laugh when no actions will be taken.. Schulle did this more time, this unbehaviour attitude, so Lobo please dont talk about a bad day ..
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13 years 7 months ago #94330 by lobo
Replied by lobo on topic Re: Respect for your opponents
I don t ban people for being bad losers. It s insults or cheating that bring the ban so are own goals. Schulle scoring own goals I haven t heard of before but it s noted now.
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13 years 7 months ago #94331 by lemonheadiv

I couldn t see anyone being disgusted with Schulle s behaviour so don t blame the admins.

That doesn t provide any justification for the fact that there were no replies nor actions by the admins; users can speak their mind but they are not supposed to take actions in such cases; it s not up to them. It should be your duty as admin to give an answer and/or decide an action.

Btw It s not just about being disgusted or whatever; besides the fact that it s at least unpleasant to play in such conditions (and i m stopping here), it s about what consequences these actions imply.

I have the right to be disgusted and I have the duty to report a behaviour such as this, since there are rules about fair play in every community.

Next time someone does the same things and gets banned he will have every right to complain.
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13 years 7 months ago #94332 by lobo
Replied by lobo on topic Re: Respect for your opponents
I do appreciate you reporting this and you had every right to do so. I always take into consideration community s opinion about every case posted on this board before I make my decision. Please don t feel like your post here has been ignored or neglected. Reporting bad behaviour is always noted even if it doesn t bring straightforward consequences.

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13 years 7 months ago - 13 years 7 months ago #94335 by Emmeti
@Lobo: even though you were not talking to me, but to Lemon, I would like just say it s good to know and I would like too add that I hope my tone didn t sound aggressive to you (because it was not my intention).

@Other members: what Retrieving wrote a few posts before in my opinion is what a part of the community think or feel about the things going on here (true or not), it comes from bad personal experiences and facts witnessed, it s not like a criticism or a baseless assumption that came out of the blue. Of course in the end love for the game prevails so Retri and the others can put that behind their backs (not meaning ignoring, but giving the right importance), at least most of the times...treating people bad because you think you re in the position of doing that or treating someone like unwelcomed guests (in some cases, when you beg to differ for example) on the long run that may lead even a strongly motivated member to leave.
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