May players from other nations be nominated for foreign countries?

16 years 2 days ago - 16 years 2 days ago #58592 by Coolio_Jack

Lets rewind what happened here. Stromi was invited to play in SHSL after being in shsl comunity for a long time, mentioning his EX yu roots, and catching some of the words from our language. We thought it would be cool if he could officialy be a SHSL member, even though hes been unofficialy for a long time. At the time, noone thought about Stromi playing in Euro cups, as it didnt crossed anyone s mind as its totally irelevvant. Then when Stromi was asked on #sensible by Eleven how come hes in shsl, he was offered to play in ISSF cups too(which now seems it was a mix up). After that noone saw any problem over this and he was nominated for ISSF, without looking at him as a German player.

And then , accussation that we want rules to be bend for us, slaps in the faces, and blackmailing. Which was never the case here, after we were warned , we withdrew him. The SHSL resignation from ISSF is not strictly caused by this case, this just made us to consult each others to realize that noone is interested in playing anyway.

Bed story over.

edit: oh , and the web news, nice one
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16 years 2 days ago #58594 by Stromberg
To heal all the broken hearts, stop the blackmailing and to stop handling with everyones babies I hereby apologize for my rude behaviour in letting LIK put me up for the european championships.
As Coolio stated I was heartily invited to play in SHSL because of my personal background, which I would prefer not being discussed here, and for being a part of the SHSL community for several years now. Although I stated to never play on again I accepted for the lack of other decent swos-sites and for playing league-games, which I missed as they are greatly intense, with my online mates.
As Eleven asked me if I would play ISSF/CL I thought it to be a great idea as I could also face other old SWOS mates in a competitive manner. I was, in opposite to my league mates, quite looking forward to issf, so I m a bit sad that I cannot play for whatever reason.

That s all I wanted. Sorry to start the confusion and cause stupid discussions (again).
I would also like ppl I have never spoken a word to not to talk about my personal history. Thank you.
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16 years 2 days ago #58598 by Playaveli
Not one word about what you think how a European Cup should work and is fair for every country included. You are not alone here!
Not one word to people like Daimaou and Foka, who explained detailed what happens if this example will have followers.
Nothing! Only ironic remarks about completely neutral written webnews which are of interest to the complete community.
You knew exactly that Stromi s nomination would cause a discussion but now you are obviously unwilling to take part in it (forget the historical reasons . how old are we?). And this is, excuse me, NOT fairplay. And as you can see, for many others neither. I really wonder why educated guys apperantly don t give a damn about this.
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16 years 2 days ago #58600 by lobo


And then , accussation that we want rules to be bend for us, slaps in the faces, and blackmailing. Which was never the case here, after we were warned , we withdrew him. The SHSL resignation from ISSF is not strictly caused by this case, this just made us to consult each others to realize that noone is interested in playing anyway.

Bed story over.

edit: oh , and the web news, nice one

That s just a nonsense!

Resignation is caused by that, blind person could see it...

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16 years 2 days ago #58601 by Redhair
@ Stromberg
You can play ISSF but as a German you need to qualify through DSL.

I think having croatian friends or personal histories are no serious reasons to play for Serbia and Croatia in an European cup like ISSF.
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16 years 2 days ago #58602 by RobChef
Statements from Coolio and Stromi make a lot of sense.
Welcome back Stromiberg. :D
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16 years 2 days ago #58607 by ruichi
I think we need to end this topic as it s became serious and we re forgeting that s suppose to be fun - with rules ofc - but still fun
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16 years 2 days ago #58621 by Stromberg
RoboChef, thx. I see nothing much changed around here. :)
Lobo, in my opinion it is true that this incident was the trigger for that Resignation , still it was just a trigger based on a general objection towards playing on issf (not judging this great institution itself). So it s not nonsense (in my fucking opinion ;) ).
Red, I won t play in DSL. I did a regular qualification for issf by ranking in a regular league in which I played because I was invited. If the admins say I cannot participate then it shall not be. I would have been happy to play in issf though and I would have been happy to play for SHSL too as those guys are the reason why I m playing again after all. So now I sadly cannot participate on issf anymore. Unless another country wants to invite me. Now I m just kidding...
Playa, yea whatever.
Ruichi, fair enough.
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16 years 2 days ago #58642 by Redhair
You can t mix SCSL and ISSF together. There are so many players from Poland and Germany who really wish and try hard to qualify for ISSF but the leagues are too tough. Of course, it s unfair against them if you think you can go the easy way to qualify through a small foreign league, that s what I meant with slap into faces . Personally, I wouldn t care about a foreign Stromberg, but this would open the door for much problems, like daimaou wrote. You may consider that ISSF cups are still competitions for the best players of nations/regions but not of clans/groups. Thanks for understanding! And it s just my opinion, the last decision has always the responsible authority. Of course you are invited to DSL, as every German, and I am respecting your negative reply. But as a German it s the only league as springboard to ISSF for now, another possibility: win a DSL cup. But if you don t like to play against the other Germans I wonder why you want to play ISSF cups because you have to play against them there too!
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16 years 2 days ago #58647 by LIK

You can t mix SCSL and ISSF together. There are so many players from Poland and Germany who really wish and try hard to qualify for ISSF but the leagues are too tough. Of course, it s unfair against them if you think you can go the easy way to qualify through a small foreign league, that s what I meant with slap into faces .

This is just not true, SCSL is hard as any of those leagues to qualify for ISSF. And to win it is even harder because of Coolio.
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