May players from other nations be nominated for foreign countries?

16 years 1 week ago #58682 by Wänä81
League manager from SCSL are you , LIK and Coolio . You allowed him to play ;)

But ISSF-Manager are Schulle and Eleven .

Different people come to different decisions

Easy, isn´t it ;)

Think twice before posting :P
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16 years 1 week ago - 16 years 1 week ago #58685 by Coolio_Jack

League manager from SCSL are you , LIK and Coolio . You allowed him to play ;)

But ISSF-Manager are Schulle and Eleven .

Different people come to different decisions

Thats true, ISSF has their own policy, and has every right to stick with it. Lets end this, ISSF goes on , and SHSL too, not much harm done.

Coolio ensured me Stromberg is only joining on a friendly basis and that we shouldn t make a big deal out of it.
When asking someone for a favor next time, think twice, too!

This part is not ok, what i was ensuring was true. The talk we did was when Stromi was deleted from SHSL, and i ask how come hes deleted. U said you had nothing to do with it , and that u dont care about it, we can do what we want. Then it was polite to explain how come hes playing, what i did. No secret plans about him boosting our euro rating in ISSF. I dont recall any favours were asked, even though it seems it was one.
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16 years 1 week ago #58687 by Playaveli
You were allowed to break an existing rule because of friendships. In my eyes this is a favor.
And yes, everything goes on now.
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16 years 1 week ago #58698 by Schulle

And yes, everything goes on now.

this is a good phrase to end this discussion or it will run into even more irrelevances

thank you
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16 years 1 week ago #58704 by Foka
Waenane u have grandmother from Gdansk ? Wow nice .... so if u want u can play polish league ;) ehe but u must start in 4th league :D
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16 years 1 week ago #58726 by Wänä81

Waenane u have grandmother from Gdansk ? Wow nice .... so if u want u can play polish league ;) ehe but u must start in 4th league :D

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16 years 1 week ago #58728 by ElMichaJ

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
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