Re: SWOS in the Stone Age!

12 years 10 months ago #105664 by dimetrodon
Nice stroy Manuel, you should hav use it as an entry fee! :)

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8 years 9 months ago #130299 by Playaveli
Any updates here? :)

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8 years 9 months ago #130321 by Bomb
Replied by Bomb on topic Re: SWOS in the Stone Age!
well playa ... you wanted some update - here it is:

When I was 15 or so, I played SensibleSoccer 94/95 (I guess) at a friends home for the first time. Not sure, if it was PC or Amiga, but I liked it. The next years, I played the PC 96/97 version at home, sometimes against my younger brother, but mostly in career-mode (I spent a lot of time on it). I ended up on COACHING a career in Finland and got National Coach of whatever. Matter of interest: my team played better when I really watched the game (not only calculating the result). I think I came back on the game every year, played some games or careers, thinking I am the best player in the world because I was able to score with long diagonal shots. Later I learned better... When I played with Fulham against ManU it was thrilling, and I repeated those matches until I won. :D (that could take hours but I needed the money, sry...)
Some years later, sitting in a library in Grenoble/ France (as Erasmus-Student) I had the idea to search on google for sensible soccer . That was in 2005/2006 I think. I found elmichajs and thought this is not true! FANTASTIC. . Jumped in the IRC, just out of curiosity. A player named Playaveli immediatly started to chat with me ( oh, a new player, where are from? etc.) and we tried to connect to play some friendly. of course it didnt work because I was sitting in a library, but we tried one hour or so until we realized it would not work. that was brutal! I had to wait 6 month to go home to germany. Back there I instantly started playing SWOS online. I understood very fast, that I was one of the weakest player in the world. but results like 2:17 against che88, 1:11 against patigoal and many many other big defeats could not make me angry - the very reverse was the case, I was fascinated of all these new ways to score a goal and tried to learn all these moves.

I got it all explained to me and got into my first match...against Playaveli....and lost 0-9 which was a shock to me. Not the result itself, but the skills Playa revealed in the matched. I had seen thing I would never dreamed of. Still recollecting the times, we all got way beyond that.
Still, I was so psyched that in the second match I accidentally hit the ESC key and then I had enough for 2 weeks lol.

can not explain it better ... :)

I spent 4 to 6 hours a day playing online, but progressed very slow. 2007 there was a small offline tournament in berlin, Potsdamer Platz, of course I joined in --
I was meeting Elmichaj, Pallister, Oli O. amongst others. Dued to the fact that Elmichaj was the other swos player from berlin, we became good friends and travelled a lot across europe the next years to play swos. after 2 or 3 years we were the most experienced offline players (concerning number of games). this didnt change much until today. We never understood why it is so hard to find other swos mates in berlin. such a big city ...

maybe the most important moment for me was on an early Central Germany Cup in Pallisters house. After the tournament (I was not confident with my keypad anymore) - you guess who - Playaveli came to me, gave his gravis pad to me and said: try it, maybe this fits better ... (or similare). I immediatly could do dribblings like never done before (jigga goal), control the ball like grabbing it with my hands and I was way more faster in my reactions. I found the perfect controller.

The next years I learned how to be a not-angry, not-nervous and not-srn-ranking-addicted player (some of you guys know what I mean). I think I would never have kept that passion without the great community. every offline tournament is about meeting friends and play swos, thats just great.
I can say SWOS influences my life until today: I had a great time in my childhood, I got my first job (thx to elmichaj and SWOS), I got my second job dued to programming skillz I teached myself to create a SWOS clone (thx to SWOS and elmichaj, playa, redhair and many others, you helped me a lot).

I really hope it goes on like this the next decades... 8) ;)

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8 years 9 months ago #130322 by Playaveli
Wow, that s a great story, bomb! :-)
Thanks for sharing. Was a pleasure to introduce you back then. I remember the day of the library meeting very well.

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7 years 7 months ago #136232 by Romanista

Of course I thought I was one the best player in the world (but was sure other really good players are somewhere out there coz my brother I used to play swos with was tough opponent=proof I wasnt only excellent swos player) :) Like plenty of other guys as I read here ;)

Wow, never new there was a milanista on this forum too...

As for me.. I remember reading the preview in The One for Amiga, thinkng immediately this is what a football game should look like ... Always being dissapointed (after international soccer on the c64)...And then, on may 13th, 1992 I cycled back from a holiday in Flevoland to Amsterdam.. Stopping at a magazine shop, because my parents were far behind.. And seeing the demo on Amiga Power 13.

This one:

I remember cycling to the Computer Collectief shop at the amsterdam amstel river, one of the few places which stored amiga games.. i wanted to have this one, not just wait for a cracked copy.. and playing it to death against my brother..

There was one moment I really I thought I was the best in the world, when my brother introduced a friend of him, Ronald, who said he was the best in Sensi, and I beat the living hell out of him...

I kept playing, mostly single player after my brother became to easy to defeat.. Winning everything with Alloa Athletic (Sco 4 div) for years in a row... setting new goals for my seft every season... Until december 1997 when I moved to a student room in the city.. My parents still ussed the Amiga for wordperfect at that time, so i couldn t bring it...

Then somewhere in 2005 i discovered this site, and there were more people like me, and organised a tournament in holland, which was amazing (see link in sig).. but then kind of forgot about it completely afterwards.. Until swoosh contacted me in 2012.. And I became part of this great community... While discovering I wasn t the greatest player in the world (even though I still think my 96 self was pretty great)

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7 years 7 months ago #136235 by andib
Replied by andib on topic Re: SWOS in the Stone Age!
I think I have told my story already, but here it comes again for those who didnt listen hehe

First time I played was back in 1992 with a friend and we kept on playing the different kinds of Sensible Soccer / SWOS and it was always close between us, which made it really funny, but around 1998 we stopped playing SWOS, I think he thought he was too old to play (he should have known better :P )

Around that time I also played against the winner of the city-tournament I didnt know was held in the City I lived in. I beat him quite easily 4-0 and therefore I got the feeling I was a Champion, and that feeling I had for a lot of years (where I didnt play)

Late in 2011 Glavind (who participated in Sensible Days 2014 in Berlin) told me that you could buy those cheap anniversary joysticks (golden comp pro), and eventhough they were really really bad, we played from time to time until April 2012, where Glavind told me that he had found

I remember the first day I was online quite good. SethRiver (later RuiCosta10) helped me setting up SWOS and I played the first matches against him (cant remember the results though). Just before I wanted to quit for the day Djowger wrote to me, that it was rare you saw a fellow dane on forum. We played some matches and I found out I wasnt even close to be a champion. He scored some amazing goals against me that I hadnt seen before. From that on I knew I was going to play a lot of online SWOS to get closer to become a champion of SWOS.
I remember Djowger asked my in which City I lived at that time. He was pretty surprised when I said Randers and told me Klaris was going to arrange a tournament some weeks later. Then I was hooked on offline SWOS and during the summer in 2012 I went with Djowger to Berlin to play my first international offline SWOS-Tournament together with Playaveli, Bomb and ElMichaJ. I didnt know they were such SWOS-legends at that time. I remember I beat ElMichaJ once when I was there, or else I had one draw with Djogwer and lots of defeats. Later on that night we went out in the streets of Berlin and had a night to remember with lots of tequila. We had to stop the taxi on the way home because Playa had to throw up and it was me all the morning the day after. Then the trip back to Denmark is LONG!

Unfortunatly I couldnt join Sensi Days that year but my first experience with Sensi Days was in Berlin 2013, and I promise to come back as long as it is going to be held. Offline SWOS rules!

My motivation for playing SWOS is to improve all the time. Djowger has been a great motivator for me and later on it has been Blazej. I want to be able to score all the kind of goals that they are scoring and Blazej still has scored a few I yet cant make. THIS is my motivation for keep on playing online and also to spend time with fellow SWOS-maniacs.

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6 years 2 months ago - 6 years 2 months ago #139422 by Playaveli

Then I was hooked on offline SWOS and during the summer in 2012 I went with Djowger to Berlin to play my first international offline SWOS-Tournament together with Playaveli, Bomb and ElMichaJ. I didnt know they were such SWOS-legends at that time. I remember I beat ElMichaJ once when I was there, or else I had one draw with Djogwer and lots of defeats. Later on that night we went out in the streets of Berlin and had a night to remember with lots of tequila. We had to stop the taxi on the way home because Playa had to throw up and it was me all the morning the day after. Then the trip back to Denmark is LONG!

HAHA! FC Tequila... ;D That was an indeed legendary night. You remember the hefty rain, while we were sitting on some outdoor tabled bar?

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6 years 2 months ago #139425 by andib
Replied by andib on topic Re: SWOS in the Stone Age!

Then I was hooked on offline SWOS and during the summer in 2012 I went with Djowger to Berlin to play my first international offline SWOS-Tournament together with Playaveli, Bomb and ElMichaJ. I didnt know they were such SWOS-legends at that time. I remember I beat ElMichaJ once when I was there, or else I had one draw with Djogwer and lots of defeats. Later on that night we went out in the streets of Berlin and had a night to remember with lots of tequila. We had to stop the taxi on the way home because Playa had to throw up and it was me all the morning the day after. Then the trip back to Denmark is LONG!

HAHA! FC Tequila... ;D That was an indeed legendary night. You remember the hefty rain, while we were sitting on some outdoor tabled bar?

Haha yes I remember. I have only seen that much rain once before and it was during rainy season in Vietnam.

It would have been legendary if you had joined us last weekend in Berlin. Then it had been “back to the old days”.

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1 year 4 months ago - 1 year 4 months ago #146508 by Pirluit
Replied by Pirluit on topic SWOS in the Stone Age!
I had a friend who always beat me at SWOS and Kick Off 2 so I've always had a calm ego with SWOS. But yes, I chose a team called "Barnet" from the Third Division and managed to win the Champions League and become a billionaire without spending on transfers. I also clearly remember the first time I played SWOS and was like "oh my god. They are not national teams, they are leagues!"

Rarely has a game made me so excited.
Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by Pirluit.

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1 year 3 months ago #146558 by YoungRon
Replied by YoungRon on topic SWOS in the Stone Age!

I had a friend who always beat me at SWOS and Kick Off 2 so I've always had a calm ego with SWOS. But yes, I chose a team called "Barnet" from the Third Division and managed to win the Champions League and become a billionaire without spending on transfers. I also clearly remember the first time I played SWOS and was like "oh my god. They are not national teams, they are leagues!"

Rarely has a game made me so excited.

Yes, leagues are much better than national teams :)

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