"THE CIGAN" for all who was not in chat ;D

15 years 7 months ago - 15 years 7 months ago #59312 by Wänä81
Session Start (Wänä81:#sensible): Sat Feb 14 21:51:05 2009
[21:51] *** Aktueller Topic: +++ 08.02 SAVE DISC UPDATE +++ VOTE Goal of the year: (Link: forum.sensiblesoccer.info/index.php?topic=10901.0)forum.sensiblesoccer.info/index.php?topic=10901.0
[21:51] *** #sensible: Wana81 Dreyer +daimaou|OFFFFFF Cigan romaneq|WROC Shimmyshanka Weiss +lestat1 +dzem andreaselsner70 Bobbie|AVoff yesiu|off paczek85 cracoviapasy1 HeinAir Alexandr +daimaou|OFFFF Pistolas rachfus Darecki-off Zombie2008 Kicker_ Root_PL +LIK cipix Jack_33 Foka Szeszesek @Redhair Alexanderson Wodiczkoo xpC` suazo padi_ +swosik digniOFF\jivago @Q @d1g
[21:51] *** Modus Änderung +v Wana81 für den Channel #sensible von Q.
[21:51] Dreyer: evo. startovao me paczek
[21:51] *** #sensible wurde erstellt am Tue Sep 30 20:57:11 2003.
[21:51] Weiss: ok
[21:51] Weiss: hf
[21:51] *** daimaou|OFFFF verlässt den IRC-Channel (Ping timeout).
[21:51] Weiss: al upadaj kod nas
[21:52] Dreyer: evo
[21:52] Wana81: anyone friendly ?
[21:52] Weiss: me
[21:52] Wana81: k
[21:54] Bobbie|AVoff: Pistolas !!!!
[21:55] *** lestat1 verlässt den IRC-Channel (Read error: EOF from client).
[21:55] *** dabest betritt #sensible.
[21:55] Cigan: anyone?
[21:55] dabest: cigan: me
[21:56] andreaselsner70: hi
[21:56] Cigan: ok
[21:56] dabest: lol, now for real, i eat my PIZZA
[21:56] *** cinek|off betritt #sensible.
[21:56] dabest: cigan: join arena server, ok?
[21:56] *** romaneq|WROC verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: SWOS OFFLINE RULZ !!! WROCLAW OPEN !!!).
[21:56] Cigan: yes
[21:56] Cigan: im there
[21:58] *** rachfus verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: (Link: www.sensiblesoccer.pl)www.sensiblesoccer.pl).
[21:59] swosik: Required attendance is: ASL 1, ASL 2, ASL 3 - 100%, and lower leagues - 80%
[21:59] Jack_33: ooo ?
[21:59] Cigan: jack, fr?
[22:00] Jack_33: ok on arena
[22:01] dabest: cigan: i set up my joystick properly
[22:02] Cigan: later
[22:02] Cigan: after i beat jack
[22:02] *** dabest verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC).
[22:02] *** dabest betritt #sensible.
[22:03] *** dabest verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC).
[22:03] *** CGI669 betritt #sensible.
[22:04] *** Kicker_ verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: Trillian ((Link: www.ceruleanstudios.com)www.ceruleanstudios.com).
[22:04] HeinAir: Cigan can be even weak ones
[22:04] CGI669: nyone want to play?
[22:04] HeinAir: Cigan like you, heinair
[22:05] HeinAir: du bist ja richtig sympathisch :)
[22:05] Cigan: joke, sry
[22:05] CGI669: cigan: play?
[22:06] *** vansnoop betritt #sensible.
[22:06] *** CGI669 heißt nun dabest.
[22:06] Cigan: in game
[22:06] dabest: cigan: i am still waiting you
[22:06] dabest: cigan: ok, after then
[22:08] Cigan: 5:0 vs jack33,is he good?
[22:08] Cigan: dabest, lets arena
[22:08] dabest: cigan: olé!
[22:08] Jack_33: fr ?
[22:09] *** dzem verlässt den IRC-Channel (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
[22:09] dabest: cigan: host a game please
[22:10] Cigan: bad fps
[22:10] Cigan: anyone else?
[22:10] dabest: cigan: please
[22:10] Cigan: what
[22:10] *** andreaselsner70 verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: (Link: www.sensiblesoccer.de)www.sensiblesoccer.de).
[22:11] Cigan: 28fps
[22:11] Cigan: thats good?
[22:11] Cigan: maybe, im new
[22:11] Cigan: but doesnt sound like that
[22:11] dabest: join and try it
[22:11] vansnoop: fps 50 is normal
[22:13] Cigan: sry dabest, 28 is to low for starting a game
[22:13] Cigan: to see
[22:13] Cigan: cant even setup
[22:13] Cigan: anyone else?
[22:13] dabest: i cant understand you
[22:14] vansnoop: try another server
[22:14] vansnoop: maybe it is beter
[22:14] Cigan: cant help that much
[22:15] vansnoop: better
[22:15] Cigan: from 28 to 50
[22:15] vansnoop: what do you have for a ping
[22:15] Cigan: are there any good players here?
[22:15] cinek|off: nobody
[22:15] Cigan: i havent seen one yet
[22:15] dabest: cigan: you avoided me
[22:15] vansnoop: you must open your eyes
[22:15] Jack_33: fr ?
[22:15] dabest: jack: ok
[22:15] dabest: jack: on arean server, let s join
[22:16] Cigan: vansnoop
[22:16] Cigan: where should i look
[22:16] vansnoop: at sensi.de
[22:16] vansnoop: look at the rank
[22:16] Cigan: i want to see them in action, not on paper
[22:16] vansnoop: and look after teh names here
[22:16] vansnoop: at youtube
[22:16] Cigan: they have to prove it in game
[22:17] vansnoop: you can see some scene from the best
[22:17] Cigan: yes, i saw it
[22:17] Cigan: pretty lame
[22:17] vansnoop: then ask some of the guys if they give you a lesson
[22:17] Cigan: they complicate to much
[22:17] dabest: anyone want to play?
[22:18] Jack_33: me fr ?
[22:18] dabest: jack: ok
[22:18] Cigan: vansnoop, i would give them a lesson
[22:18] cinek|off: [22:17:11] Cigan yes, i saw it
[22:18] cinek|off: [22:17:13] Cigan pretty lame
[22:18] cinek|off: lol
[22:18] vansnoop: go on with dreaming
[22:18] Cigan: cinek, are u brave enough to play?
[22:18] vansnoop: where are you from cigan???
[22:19] Cigan: romania
[22:19] Cigan: local champion
[22:19] vansnoop: in your village
[22:19] Cigan: in my country
[22:19] Cigan: and europe
[22:19] vansnoop: omg
[22:19] dabest: cinek: join my game and play? please?
[22:20] Cigan: i even have a trophy
[22:20] Cigan: that says europe champion
[22:21] vansnoop: you bbought it in a cheap shop
[22:21] cinek|off: :D
[22:21] Alexanderson: lol Where is Romania?
[22:21] Cigan: ?
[22:21] Alexanderson: in Europe?
[22:21] Cigan: they dont teach you geography in schools?
[22:21] Cigan: where are u from?
[22:21] Alexanderson: or it is Asia?
[22:21] vansnoop: here has someone a big mouoth
[22:21] Cigan: well, u should give me a chance in game to prove it
[22:21] vansnoop: mouth
[22:21] Alexanderson: ye I see
[22:21] Alexandr: Sorry, Cigan, but we all here you undeserve, you are better to find other site ;)
[22:22] Cigan: well, maybe u deserve me
[22:22] Cigan: but have to prove it
[22:22] Cigan: not with talk
[22:22] Cigan: on the pitch
[22:22] cinek|off: he from Transylvania ;p
[22:22] Alexandr: lol
[22:22] Alexanderson: you want to end like Causescu?
[22:23] Alexandr: lol lol
[22:23] Cigan: i dont see where is the problem
[22:23] Cigan: u can show it on the pitch
[22:23] Alexandr: cheushesku at home also had a gold toilet
[22:24] Alexanderson: lol
[22:25] dabest: friendly anyone?
[22:25] Cigan: dabest, 28fps is not playable i think
[22:25] Cigan: try it on a server alone
[22:25] vansnoop: i don´t know someone he wants to play against someone he take his noise so high
[22:25] cinek|off: :)
[22:25] Cigan: well , why would i lie
[22:25] Cigan: that i suck when i dont
[22:25] Cigan: im just being honest
[22:25] dabest: cigan: 15 fps is enought to play any game. period.
[22:25] Cigan: if im wrong, i ll admit it
[22:26] Cigan: 15 fps for swos?
[22:26] Cigan: drunk?
[22:26] dabest: cigan: tell drunk to your sister
[22:26] Cigan: ?
[22:26] Cigan: hm
[22:27] Cigan: dabest cigan: 15 fps is enought to play any game. period.
[22:27] *** Dreyer verlässt den IRC-Channel (Read error: EOF from client).
[22:27] Cigan: is this true?
[22:27] Cigan: am i wrong?
[22:27] cinek|off: [22:11:36] vansnoop fps 50 is normal
[22:28] Cigan: thought so
[22:28] Alexandr: 49-51 fps is normal
[22:28] Cigan: why not a game anyone? i will admit if i suck
[22:28] Cigan: i give you my word
[22:28] Cigan: its possible
[22:28] Cigan: but i doubt it
[22:29] swosik: type: !ip or !ip2 to get server address, !p2p for p2p game tutorial, !commands for available commands
[22:29] * Bobbie|AVoff slaps Pistolas around a bit with a large trout
[22:29] paczek85: fr? kto pyknie fr?
[22:30] Cigan: in game with vansnoop
[22:30] Cigan: wish me luck :)
[22:30] Alexanderson: smeshnoj paren
[22:30] Cigan: or bad luck
[22:31] HeinAir: Seid nett zueinander!
[22:32] *** cracoviapasy1 verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: (Link: www.sensiblesoccer.pl)www.sensiblesoccer.pl).
[22:32] vansnoop: sind wa
[22:32] vansnoop: zock mit ihm
[22:33] HeinAir: ne, macht ihr den mal frisch. wenn der gegn mich spielt, denkt er noch, das sei das niveau hier ;)
[22:33] Wana81: LOL
[22:33] Wana81: only english pls ;)
[22:34] Alexanderson: aber Cigan ist sehr kulturlos
[22:34] cinek|off: y
[22:35] Wana81: not all guys are so cute like you Alexanderson :P
[22:35] cinek|off: :
[22:35] Alexanderson: yee I know :P
[22:35] Cigan: 4 0 at the half time
[22:35] Cigan: i knew i was good
[22:35] Wana81: ...
[22:35] HeinAir: hehe
[22:36] vansnoop: wenn der wüsste wie schlecht ich im rank bin
[22:36] vansnoop: ;)
[22:36] *** HeinAirlookt betritt #sensible.
[22:36] *** HeinAir verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
[22:37] *** HeinAirlookt verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC).
[22:37] *** HeinAirlookt betritt #sensible.
[22:37] *** yigitt betritt #sensible.
[22:38] yigitt: fr ?
[22:38] Weiss: me
[22:38] Cigan: ended 7 0
[22:38] yigitt: arena ?
[22:38] Weiss: ok
[22:38] Cigan: will try 10 0 now
[22:38] Weiss: f y
[22:39] *** doreler|asl2 betritt #sensible.
[22:40] Wana81: LOL, omg another one who thought he is the world champion LOL
[22:40] *** Cigan ist ~59ac238e@server8324611942.serverpool.info ([59ac238e] CGI:IRC User)
[22:40] *** Cigan ist in: #sensible
[22:40] *** Cigan benutzt *.quakenet.org QuakeNet IRC Server
[22:40] *** End of /WHOIS.
[22:40] Cigan: im proving it
[22:40] cinek|off: probably desynchro ^^
[22:41] Wana81: hehe
[22:41] Cigan: i just need one to beat me to prove im wrong
[22:41] Wana81: you play vs. vansnoop ?
[22:41] Cigan: so far noone
[22:42] Cigan: y
[22:42] Wana81: and ?
[22:42] Wana81: more opponents
[22:42] Alexanderson: jumpyspider
[22:42] HeinAirlookt: or me ;)
[22:43] Cigan: but only 5 2 this time
[22:43] *** HeinAirlookt verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC).
[22:43] *** HeinAir betritt #sensible.
[22:43] cinek|off: fps?
[22:43] Cigan: anyone else ?
[22:43] vansnoop: was heißt arrogant auf englisch
[22:43] *** HeinAir verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
[22:43] cinek|off: 28?
[22:43] vansnoop: ???
[22:43] Cigan: 50 fps
[22:44] *** HeinAir betritt #sensible.
[22:44] Alexanderson: an arrogant
[22:44] Cigan: vansnoop, u have to admint im not bad
[22:44] cinek|off: :)
[22:44] vansnoop: 5:2 against the 102 at the rank
[22:44] Cigan: y, after 7:0 i lost motivation
[22:44] cinek|off: ahah
[22:44] Cigan: anyone else?
[22:44] vansnoop: you are so stupid
[22:44] HeinAir: me
[22:44] Alexanderson: I guess some1 here probably has problem with small balls
[22:44] Wana81: LOL
[22:44] Cigan: how did u know
[22:44] *** Jack_33 verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: (Link: www.sensiblesoccer.pl)www.sensiblesoccer.pl).
[22:44] vansnoop: in a small sack
[22:44] Cigan: my balls are really small true
[22:44] Cigan: but i compensate it with swos
[22:44] Alexanderson: yee I see
[22:45] vansnoop: like your brain
[22:45] HeinAir: cigan?
[22:45] Cigan: k hein
[22:45] Alexanderson: and you try to health yourself playing swos
[22:45] Cigan: yes
[22:45] Cigan: at least i have something
[22:45] HeinAir: i will vise you in the schranken!
[22:45] Cigan: ok hein
[22:45] Cigan: i ll mark your words
[22:45] HeinAir: ok
[22:45] Wana81: [22:45] HeinAir: i will vise you in the schranken!
[22:45] *** paczker88 betritt #sensible.
[22:45] Wana81: LOL
[22:45] *** paczker88 verlässt den IRC-Channel (Read error: EOF from client).
[22:45] Cigan: if i lose
[22:45] Cigan: hm, well, i wont
[22:45] HeinAir: we change our balls!
[22:45] Cigan: so no sense to talk what then
[22:45] Cigan: host
[22:46] HeinAir: arena
[22:46] Cigan: ok
[22:46] *** Jack_33 betritt #sensible.
[22:47] vansnoop: der hat ne persönlichkeisspaltung
[22:48] *** yesiu|off verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit).
[22:51] *** dabest ist This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ([5d92a535] CGI:IRC User)
[22:51] *** dabest ist in: #sensible
[22:51] *** dabest benutzt *.quakenet.org QuakeNet IRC Server
[22:51] *** dabest ist abwesend 25 minutes, Online seit Sat Feb 14 22:03:04 2009
[22:51] *** End of /WHOIS.
[22:51] *** dabest ist This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ([5d92a535] CGI:IRC User)
[22:51] *** dabest ist in: #sensible
[22:51] *** dabest benutzt *.quakenet.org QuakeNet IRC Server
[22:51] *** End of /WHOIS.
[22:51] Cigan: 5 0 half time
[22:51] Cigan: guess for who
[22:52] cinek|off: for bot
[22:52] Wana81: booooooooooooooring
[22:52] Wana81: I-)
[22:53] LIK: who is this cigan guy
[22:53] vansnoop: someone he needs a lesson for sensi
[22:54] vansnoop: from a better of us
[22:54] Cigan: 8 0
[22:54] Cigan: next?
[22:54] Alexanderson: and a doctor
[22:54] Wana81: LIK [22:20] Cigan: i even have a trophy
[22:20] Cigan: that says europe champion
[22:54] Wana81: LOL
[22:54] HeinAir: :)
[22:54] vansnoop: their is no doc for small balls
[22:55] *** Jose_Paco betritt #sensible.
[22:55] Jose_Paco: hallo
[22:55] HeinAir: jeder, der hier nur ein bisschen was drauf hat, schlaegt mich 2stellig :)
[22:55] Cigan: well
[22:55] Jose_Paco: who play swos?
[22:55] LIK: maybe he is good i dont know
[22:55] Cigan: someone has a big dick, and someone is a master of swos
[22:55] Cigan: i have swos
[22:55] Jose_Paco: play swos?
[22:55] Jose_Paco: anybody?
[22:55] Cigan: wana
[22:55] Cigan: are u brave enough?
[22:56] Cigan: dont lol me pls, its not polite
[22:56] Cigan: if u didnt see
[22:56] Jose_Paco: play swos
[22:56] Jose_Paco: anybody?
[22:56] Wana81: cmon arena
but i know you´re not the best here !
[22:56] Cigan: sure i am
[22:56] Cigan: ok, arena
[22:57] cinek|off: lol
[22:57] dabest: cinek: play?
[22:57] *** HeinAir verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
[22:57] Jose_Paco: play swos?
[22:57] *** HeinAir betritt #sensible.
[22:57] dabest: jose: sure, join the arean server
[22:57] Jose_Paco: ok
[22:58] *** Jose_Paco verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
[22:59] swosik: SWOS for Windows 9x: (Link: pac.pl/%7E%6F%6C%65%73/swos/amiga_swos_windows98.rar)pac.pl/%7E%6F%6C%65%73/swos/amiga_swos_windows98.rar
[22:59] vansnoop: nääääsch ihn ab wanae
[23:00] vansnoop: go wana go
[23:01] *** Bobbie|AVoff verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: (Link: www.sensiblesoccer.pl)www.sensiblesoccer.pl).
[23:03] Cigan: 3 0 full time
[23:03] Cigan: hes better then the ones before
[23:03] Cigan: but still
[23:03] Cigan: my defence is to strong
[23:03] *** kilerrr02 betritt #sensible.
[23:04] *** kilerrr02 verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: (Link: www.sensiblesoccer.pl)www.sensiblesoccer.pl).
[23:04] *** Jose_Paco betritt #sensible.
[23:04] Jose_Paco: play swos?
[23:04] HeinAir: 2-1 for me against cigan!
[23:05] Cigan: ?
[23:05] *** Darecki-off verlässt den IRC-Channel (Ping timeout).
[23:05] Cigan: im in game with wana
[23:05] *** HeinAir|7795 betritt #sensible.
[23:05] *** HeinAir verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
[23:06] *** Lord_Pablo betritt #sensible.
[23:06] HeinAir|7795: nicht hier nur siege verkuenden, cigan
[23:06] *** dabest verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)).
[23:07] *** Jack_33 verlässt den IRC-Channel (Ping timeout).
[23:07] *** HeinAir|7795 verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
[23:07] *** dabest betritt #sensible.
[23:07] dabest: if anyone want to play, join this server: 27886
[23:08] *** Jack_33 betritt #sensible.
[23:08] Cigan: 4 1
[23:08] Cigan: hes not bad
[23:08] Cigan: but i win my games with defence
[23:09] Wana81: you also , but not so strong as you say
[23:09] LIK: lol
[23:09] Cigan: well, 3:0 4:1 is not that bad i think
[23:09] Jose_Paco: who play?
[23:09] LIK: wonna play cigan ?
[23:09] *** HeinAir|7795 betritt #sensible.
[23:09] Wana81: against the big guys you will lose high :)
[23:09] dabest: cigan: could you try to join my server? the FPS should be better
[23:09] Cigan: i play better against better opponents
[23:10] Cigan: dabest, sry no
[23:10] Cigan: i doubt it
[23:10] dabest: cigan: to join my server follow this instruction (Link: forum.sensiblesoccer.info/index.php?topic=5077.0)forum.sensiblesoccer.info/index.php?topic=5077.0
[23:10] dabest: cigan: well, we could test it, now there is not a relay, i am the server
[23:10] Cigan: i have ability to asimilate my opponent
[23:10] Cigan: its a natural gift
[23:11] Cigan: unfortunately, i only got that talent
[23:11] dabest: if you want to play, jion this server 27886 thanks
[23:11] Cigan: but well
[23:11] Cigan: dabest, you will have to find someone else sry
[23:11] dabest: cigan: you also :P
[23:11] *** Grosso23 betritt #sensible.
[23:11] Cigan: i cant onyl move now
[23:11] Cigan: to better players
[23:11] cinek|off: Cigan
[23:11] Cigan: cant go back
[23:11] Cigan: to worse
[23:11] dabest: grosso: play?
[23:12] cinek|off: i play but only ooo games :)
[23:12] Cigan: im not registetred yet
[23:12] Cigan: didnt saw a point in it
[23:12] Cigan: came here after i saw youtube videos
[23:12] Cigan: wanted to show people
[23:12] Cigan: how real players score goals
[23:13] LIK: lol
[23:13] Cigan: efficiantly
[23:13] vansnoop: they run with the ball ins the goal
[23:13] vansnoop: like you
[23:13] Cigan: yes
[23:13] vansnoop: not shoot
[23:13] Cigan: thats the hardest goal
[23:13] vansnoop: or something like that
[23:13] Cigan: and i shot too
[23:13] Cigan: but why when i can run into
[23:13] vansnoop: only bucks
[23:13] vansnoop: you do
[23:13] *** tomasz82 betritt #sensible.
[23:13] vansnoop: no really shoots
[23:13] dabest: tomazs: play?
[23:14] Cigan: goal is a goal
[23:14] Cigan: counts 1
[23:14] vansnoop: nooo never
[23:14] Cigan: i can lob too
[23:14] Cigan: and some other distance
[23:14] Cigan: and some slides
[23:14] Cigan: but whats the point
[23:14] Cigan: only if running into is stopped
[23:14] Cigan: you have to deserve
[23:15] *** sasy_maradona betritt #sensible.
[23:15] Cigan: to see better goals
[23:15] Wana81: it is for sure , that you are no newbie here
[23:15] tomasz82: fre
[23:15] Cigan: ofcourse im not
[23:15] Wana81: who are you ?
[23:15] dabest: maradona: ciao, giochi?
[23:15] Cigan: who said im a newbie?
[23:15] Cigan: i thought i said im the europe champion
[23:15] Cigan: from romania
[23:15] dabest: cigan is the king of noobs
[23:15] Wana81: lol
[23:15] Wana81: [23:12] Cigan: im not registetred yet
[23:15] Wana81: but i think thats not true
[23:16] sasy_maradona: wanaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[23:16] sasy_maradona: CL ?
[23:16] Wana81: you are registerd with an other nick :P
[23:16] Cigan: ?
[23:16] Wana81: sasy_maradona
[23:16] Alexanderson: every1 knows you can t being a new player if you play so good
[23:16] sasy_maradona: :D
[23:16] Wana81: YES
[23:16] Cigan: why would i do that
[23:16] Wana81: :)
[23:16] sasy_maradona: ha ha
[23:16] sasy_maradona: great
[23:16] sasy_maradona: i will create p2p ok?
[23:17] Cigan: ever heard for a offline cups?
[23:17] Wana81: because you have small balls
[23:17] dabest: maradona: i asked first :)
[23:17] Cigan: thats true
[23:17] cinek|off: which offline cups?
[23:17] Alexanderson: small balls is another reason :D
[23:17] sasy_maradona: :D
[23:17] Wana81: sasy p2p?
[23:17] Alexanderson: offline games look different
[23:17] Cigan: ofcourse
[23:17] Cigan: i had to adjust
[23:17] Cigan: played some games week ago too
[23:17] Cigan: so its better now
[23:17] Alexanderson: hehe
[23:18] Alexanderson: a good joke
[23:18] Alexanderson: really
[23:18] Alexandr: lol
[23:18] Jose_Paco: play swos?
[23:18] Jose_Paco: anybody?
[23:19] dabest: paco: me :)
[23:19] *** EjderZp2p betritt #sensible.
[23:19] *** Szeszesek verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit).
[23:19] dabest: paco: you could join my p2p server:
[23:19] Jose_Paco: you had bad FPS
[23:19] dabest: aco: 27886
[23:19] dabest: paco: well, not it is P2P, it should be better
[23:19] Jose_Paco: ok
[23:19] *** djowGer`away betritt #sensible.
[23:19] *** Modus Änderung +v djowGer`away für den Channel #sensible von Q.
[23:19] *** djowGer`away heißt nun djowGer.
[23:20] dabest: jose_paco: tell me if you are able to connect
[23:21] Cigan: anyway
[23:21] Cigan: see you tommorow guys, practice a bit pls
[23:21] Cigan: doesnt make sense like this
[23:21] *** pleban betritt #sensible.
[23:21] *** pleban verlässt #sensible.
[23:21] Cigan: henair, espeacially you
[23:21] Cigan: good night
[23:21] *** bimberek2238065 betritt #sensible.
[23:22] *** Cigan verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC).
[23:22] EjderZp2p: ?
[23:22] EjderZp2p: what did he mean
[23:22] *** dabest verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
[23:22] Alexanderson: funny guy
[23:22] EjderZp2p: ;D
[23:23] vansnoop: what he mean
[23:23] vansnoop: that he is the greatest
[23:23] LIK: yes
[23:23] *** Jose_Paco verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
[23:23] EjderZp2p: wow
[23:23] EjderZp2p: i d like to play him
[23:23] bimberek2238065: fr/ooo?
[23:23] vansnoop: was this his first day here
[23:23] Alexanderson: he can t be a new player btw
[23:23] EjderZp2p: is he really good?
[23:24] vansnoop: he had some moves
[23:24] bimberek2238065: #sensible.pl
[23:24] Alexanderson: he won against Wana
[23:24] vansnoop: an dme
[23:24] vansnoop: and me
[23:24] Alexanderson: yes
[23:24] EjderZp2p: hmm
[23:24] vansnoop: but that is easy
[23:24] Alexanderson: even Lobo
[23:24] Alexanderson: didn;t won
[23:25] Alexanderson: for the very 1st time online
[23:25] EjderZp2p: really
[23:25] vansnoop: when you only played offline
[23:25] LIK: what i saw he won easly
[23:25] vansnoop: you never learn the online game so fast
[23:25] Alexanderson: yes
[23:25] LIK: vs all opponents
[23:25] vansnoop: is another playing like offline
[23:26] bimberek2238065: fr/ooo/??????????????????????????????
[23:26] Alexanderson: I can play ????????
[23:26] Alexanderson: but I don t know the rules
[23:26] vansnoop: defence is good
[23:26] vansnoop: and he had 2 move in offense
[23:26] vansnoop: shoot goals is the rule
[23:27] *** bimberek2238065 verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: (Link: www.sensiblesoccer.de)www.sensiblesoccer.de).
[23:28] *** djowGer verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit).
[23:28] vansnoop: some1 here for game
[23:29] swosik: SWOS for Windows 9x: (Link: pac.pl/%7E%6F%6C%65%73/swos/amiga_swos_windows98.rar)pac.pl/%7E%6F%6C%65%73/swos/amiga_swos_windows98.rar
[23:32] Foka: Amiga O o O
[23:32] LIK: anyone seen dior lately, i need to ak him something ?
[23:32] LIK: ask*
[23:33] Foka: Dior
[23:33] Foka: have many work
[23:33] Foka: and cant join chat and play swos
[23:33] Foka: :/
[23:33] Foka: but he coming on Wroclaw Open
[23:33] LIK: ahh, to bad
[23:33] Foka: next week
[23:39] *** Alexandr verlässt den IRC-Channel (Quit: ÍïÍ Ñêðèïò âåðñèÿ 5.5 Ñàéò: (Link: www.RG-soft.com)www.RG-soft.com).
Session Close (#sensible): Sat Feb 14 23:41:27 2009
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15 years 7 months ago #59323 by Zafer
From what he says about assimilating his opponent and such it seems he s a dull player like I am, scoring the same goal/goals over and over by overconcentrating :D Yigit, Bobie, Weis, LIK, Foka or Sasy could have given him a lesson before he left though, they probably didn t take him seriously, WHICH THEY SHOULD!:D

I was hoping we have a new talent but I doubt it now after seeing the whole chat, I d like to play him and see for myself though! I like challengers, but he s gotta learn as a swoser that in this game, every good player can eventually beat every other good player, like it happens in real football. It has been proven many times here.
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15 years 7 months ago #59324 by Zafer
btw, how come jon doesn t know when he came? Can he be an alien who visited Romania once? Or Transylvanian like cinek said? :D

[21:26] EjderZp2p !seen cigan*
[21:26] JonHare No matches were found.
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15 years 7 months ago #59332 by Playaveli

btw, how come jon doesn t know when he came? Can he be an alien who visited Romania once? Or Transylvanian like cinek said? :D

[21:26] EjderZp2p !seen cigan*
[21:26] JonHare No matches were found.

Jon wasn t online! So how could he remember him? And btw, even Jon got pride... he only remembers people who are worth it! ;D

About Cigan in general:
Name sounds somehow familiar to me. The dude has played online before, most likely under a different name.
Best part is this:
[22:19] Cigan: romania
[22:19] Cigan: local champion
[22:19] vansnoop: in your village
[22:19] Cigan: in my country
[22:19] Cigan: and europe
[22:20] Cigan: i even have a trophy
[22:20] Cigan: that says europe champion

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15 years 7 months ago #59494 by Playaveli
From today:
[21:37] Cigan: they would ban me when they would see im inderstructible

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15 years 7 months ago #59495 by Foka
I think Cigan is second account .... Playa :D
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15 years 6 months ago #59589 by Zafer

From today:
[21:37] Cigan: they would ban me when they would see im inderstructible


proof of him not knowing what you and we are all about.
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15 years 6 months ago #59621 by Foka
Another good boy from Roomonia

[18:20] fokaAWAY ba
[18:20] fokaAWAY esti?
[18:21] Foka ?
[18:28] fokaAWAY cine esti
[18:28] fokaAWAY ce cauti cu numele meu
[18:28] Foka english pls
[18:28] Foka dont understan u language
[18:28] fokaAWAY change you name pls
[18:28] Foka lol :D
[18:28] Foka heheh
[18:28] fokaAWAY i`am foka
[18:29] Foka yeaha ;)
[18:29] fokaAWAY the best player of romania
[18:29] fokaAWAY change pls
[18:29] Foka hahaha the best player in ??
[18:29] fokaAWAY Romanian
[18:29] Foka what kind sport
[18:29] Foka criciet ?
[18:29] Foka :D
[18:30] fokaAWAY cs1.6
[18:30] Foka ok congrats :)
[18:30] fokaAWAY change pls
[18:30] Foka its imposible :)
[18:30] fokaAWAY put fokaaaa
[18:30] fokaAWAY fokaaB
[18:30] Foka hahaha
[18:30] fokaAWAY fokaaF
[18:30] Foka u can do it same
[18:31] Foka never :) its my nick on sensible channel
[18:31] Foka last 4 years
[18:31] Foka :)
[18:31] fokaAWAY fmm
[18:31] fokaAWAY last five years
[18:31] fokaAWAY 1 am
[18:31] Foka rispect :)
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15 years 6 months ago #59626 by Wänä81
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15 years 6 months ago #60002 by Pallister
@ Cigan:

Wanna met you after my break to destroy your defence and give you Auf die Fresse in Havelland style!

You should use the remaining time to learn something about respect and social ability. Try www.google.com to find those unknown words for you...because without those abilities you ll never be a real (or even great) SWOSer...
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