Responsive Try for mobile devices
i currently work on a responsive Design for the website, so that all devices can access without much traffic.
are examples
i also work on it, that external website can include our data content like tables, results, crosstables alone or alltogether.
i you have some wishes, then tell me
Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
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Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
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You can see many examples here:
Basically, you don t have to worry about compatibility or web technologies issues which are changing constantly, they do it for you anyway...all you need to do is to simply applying s code/colour/style to the layouts and re-size the browser windows to see how they look like on any sizes.
Just a suggestion

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i am not sure if i want to invest so much time for that ... but i looks interesting.
I think you can see what i am trying to do.
So if you want to setup an easy example for me on your server or just as zip file for me, that would be a great help
nice idea, but i need a lot help with that, because i am only a backend coder and not a frontender
Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
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Perfect, I m not a coder but frontend is what I do.well .... it looks like that i have to learn a lot to understand it complete ...
i am not sure if i want to invest so much time for that ... but i looks interesting.
I think you can see what i am trying to do.
So if you want to setup an easy example for me on your server or just as zip file for me, that would be a great help
nice idea, but i need a lot help with that, because i am only a backend coder and not a frontender
It has pre-made CSS styles for buttons, boxes, headers etc...all I have to change the colour/style to suit the SWOS site. It includes Javascripts as default if you are using any on
Have a look at boxes, header etc -
It looks a bit confusing to get the head around but this is a tried tested design that will save you huge amount of time in the long run, just works on any mobile devices.
Anyway, just e-mail me some codes which would load league table and match results and I will see what I can do with them on bootstrap theme on my server.
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I want to have at maximum four columns, which should work responsive.
Each column/DIV will have his content like a table or like a cross table or result/news/comment stream
Here some examples:
it nearly works ... but three columns is a bit strange ...
Also i have small problems with spaces between breakpoints
is it possible to create some examples ? so that i can copy?
Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
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4 columns at top and 3 columns on bottom.
Using this example:
However, since the soccer leagues are tabular data, they are meant for the tables, not divs. It is far too complicated to use divs as tables, it just doesn t work well. Each has their own purposes. Divs are meant to be used for the layout of the site, not for tabular data such as timetable and so on.
On bootstrap, the total value for width is 12. So if you have 4 divs columns, divide 12 for 4 = 3 each box. e.g. .col-xs-6 .col-sm-3
If 3 columns - .col-xs-6 .col-sm-4 (3x4 = 12)
Just simply insert league table in each div box.
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i think the menu is a bit strange working, but i have already some.
Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
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Also I have just created a example of table similar to one you have but in table with CSS style applied.
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You can see that the tables are styled completed by CSS alone therefore using much less html markups.
Resize the browser window to narrow to see how the tables laid out.
By the way, just fixed the menu by pointing javascript to correct directory.
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