Good joke

16 years 5 months ago - 10 years 5 days ago #39617 by dzem
Good joke was created by dzem

Remember this?

Now, please answer two questions:
1. Was this log funny for you?
2. Are you against custom tactics?

If you answered YES to both questions, then you shouldn´t stop laughing at yourself.

Imagine yourself going to Brasilian #sensible and saying: We at are the best players! I will kick your asses, but don´t use custom tactics, because it´s cheating and unfair

Custom tactics are not activated by enable cheat mode .

So, why are there any restrictions to using custom tactics?

I browsed forum (english and polish) and the reasons given by opponents of custom tactics are:

1. unfair game
2. wanting to be better then sbd is in fact.
3. one way of scoring goals
4. less goals in match
5. players might steal sbd´s else tactics

First two do not even make sense. If anyone can reasonably justify them then please do so.
3. Not true. One way of scoring is typical for opponents of custom tactics. With custom, you can make your defenders protect from most often scored goals. CT make players more creative!
4. It might be true. But it´s only because with custom tactics players reach higher level of gameplay. I am not even close to top players of, but I think even best can improve sth. CT give us a chance to develop new styles of playing.
5. True! And they will, because I cannot think of any way to stopping them from doing it. But, to be honest it´s not easy to adjust to sbd´s tactics. If I started to play with a good tactics, but not minde I wouldn´t get better straight away. A good CT needs to be adjusted to one´s gameplay (with improvements) not vice-versa.
And if someone manage to adjust himself to top players gameplay and will be as good as they are, then I will be the first to congratulate him (or her:P)

Now, surprise. I demand nothing. I just wanted you to read it;)
If you are ´for´ CT then, you might have liked this text.
If you are against CT , you might have changed your mind while reading this.
If you are against and you didn´t change your mind, no problem.
If I am wrong, then please correct me in a way that will not make a new war at;)

I hope one day all players will be just using custom tactics and there will be no point in changing any regulations. Just as we don´t need to allow using headers.

Now I´m off to start creating my tactics;-)
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16 years 5 months ago - 16 years 5 months ago #39619 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Good joke
If it was for me, I would never disallow custom tactics.


It is in this game, and it belongs to this game.
I like the complete game with all it s content (Custom tactics, DIY competitions, career mode, friendlies...), not only the gameplay .

A thought about this one:

CT make players more creative!

It is true. But wait wait wait... the standard-tactic-players will deny this and at the same time complain (sorry) about walls in defense that are build with CT.
Now I ask them? How do you break a wall? with uncreative style or just one cheat positioned attacker? hmmmm...... are you sure?
On top of that it is too short-sighted to think in categories of walls and offside strikers ... Because the past years have shown that the truth is somewhere in the middle. You need a well balanced tactic to achieve long-term success.

About this one:

4. It might be true. But it´s only because with custom tactics players reach higher level of gameplay. I am not even close to top players of, but I think even best can improve sth. CT give us a chance to develop new styles of playing.

This might be denied by standard-tactic-players. But really, Dzem is right and I can tell you why:
In a game with custom tactics you just don t have the room and the time to do your actions. This forces you to react faster, think faster, play faster...and this makes you better in any form. It just does!

Furthermore an other argument against Custom tactics is that players don t want to invest time in it and complain (sorry) about loosing in the beginning.
Please allow me to ask you about your first online matches with standard tactics? Did you win them straight away? No, because it was new to you and you saw moves and goals you never saw before.
Examples: Coolio and Pallister! Both now two of the greatest players, but what happened to them in their first (50) online matches?

You learn the most things if you loose...not if you win...
And if you don t want to invest time in making your own tactic, why should this apply to anyone else?

Another thing I like to get of my chest:
Have you ever seen a fan of custom tactics complaining about standard tactics and opening a topic about it to blow standard tactics up with atom bombs? I haven t....
It s always the standard tactic players who claim their fun is spoiled but never vice versa... think about it. And don t call the dogs on me, because I like SWOS in any forms and would even play with standard tactic vs custom tactic if I didn t have my own.

In SWOS everything should be free to use without any restrictions. And this cannot be unfair in any context. It simply cannot!
(Also not for online-newbies because nowadays it doesn t make any difference, if CT or ST...they just loose... but the rest should have just grown up)
And if someone likes to score offside goals all the time (like Che88 for example) them just let him... but better place your defender in your area and tackle him off the pitch. The editor makes it possible. ;)

We are together for so long now and everyone knows each other (in many cases even in real life). We don t have to prove ourselves anything anymore. Not in leagues, not rankings, nowhere.
And that s another PRO for custom tactics.

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16 years 5 months ago #39622 by Pallister
Replied by Pallister on topic Re: Good joke
Really nice topic, thumbs up!

I know one guy who shows - because his skills are good enough - that he can win even with Standard-tacts vs Tact players. It s Lobo, remember how he played at the Days 2007. And as u know my skills weren t enough to do it nearly like Lobo last year.

I like standard tacts, no doubts. And I hated custom tacts, that s true. And why? Because I had no chance vs CT. In the meantime I asked myself: How can I say I hate CT only because I lost? It s not the CT thing, what SWOS makes possible for every player, it s the fact that I m not good enough to win with standards vs CT. And sure, I m not good enough to build my own tact. I tried it a few times, but I had not enough patience to create it that way, that it fits perfect to my style (and it s still so ;) ). And everytime I took players in a position I wanted them to be, they weren t there when I played. So I stopped that tact thing each time I tried it. But it s my fault, not the fault of CT.

It s obviously that a lot of players don t have a CT or the time/patience to create one. That s why only the best (most playing) Online-Zocker are using their tact in Official ASL1 ASL2 matches. They nearly all have a CT, or enough skills to be successfull even with StandardTacts.

So I think this topic is a good animation to remember the CTs to the SWOS-Players. But I also think that it s a good thing, that for the Days 2008 for example will be another rule than last year (one with and one without CT). So everyone can play his favourite style in at least on match per opponent.
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16 years 1 week ago - 16 years 1 week ago #50010 by Karlos
Replied by Karlos on topic Re: Good joke
Last words... One example - In the year 2004 I, Geos and Johny took part in WST2004 ( World SWOS Tournament - the biggist Serbian international tounament ). And now listen!!! Finalists of this event were brothers Koja and Zhenks both using standart tactics 4-2-4. Most players were using home made custom tac. So it does not seems like a advantege... They were just the best and they can play SWOS very well. Koja beat Geos(with custom tac) by scoring oneway goal. Also MCT was defeated. So if somebody needs advices how to play good with custom tac ask Koja and Zhenks. You can find their mails at official sites of WST 2004 - or make your own tac or I wïll sent you mine.
So please do not search for exuses why I can not succeed in SWOS. Be a man and lets play!!! :-)
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15 years 11 months ago #50754 by archetyper
Replied by archetyper on topic Re: Good joke
yiiiiiiiiihaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! :)))))
Custom tactics, custom tactics, cistom tactics :))))

When will using of custom tactics become standard rule?
I play better when I usung my own created tactic. I is natural.
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15 years 11 months ago #50849 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Good joke

When will using of custom tactics become standard rule?

Probably never, I guess. At least not for normal ooo matches.
National leagues are independent.
ASL1 and ASL2 are the premium leagues and tactics are allowed there. Most of the players either have their own tactic or are skilled enough to win with standard tactics.
So, start your ASL campaign and climb up the tables.

For ooo matches you can at least ask your opponent if he allows you to use your tactic. If he is a fair player he will agree on a compromise (1 with standard, 1 with custom). Work it out.
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15 years 11 months ago #50899 by Kyon
Replied by Kyon on topic Re: Good joke
Sounds interesting but i dont like custom tactics
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15 years 11 months ago #50900 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Good joke

Sounds interesting but i dont like custom tactics

Any particular reason?
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15 years 11 months ago #50908 by Kyon
Replied by Kyon on topic Re: Good joke
Because i dont know good tactics
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15 years 11 months ago #50909 by Oli O.
Replied by Oli O. on topic Re: Good joke
Just try and spend some time (days, weeks, months, years...) on it. Then you ll love them.
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