3 and 5 minute games experiences

17 years 5 months ago #16015 by Oli O.
Hm, many arguments can be critizised, but some are still existing.
I outed myself as a 3-mins-fan, I think it was a mistake. :D

@ coolio:
I don t get you wrong, it s just my opinion of playing swos. Everybody has another view on it. I like the luck-factor .

@ mt653:
Many words but no content... :-\
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17 years 5 months ago #16016 by Emmeti
Talking about yourself?
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17 years 5 months ago #16017 by Oli O.
I m trying to give some points etc., but you are just crying. Not very productive...
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17 years 5 months ago - 17 years 5 months ago #16018 by Emmeti
Stop it, i am not crying and please stop provoking.
What you say in 1 line is so wrong that i need at least 30 lines to list wrong points.
I start with good will, but then after some typing, i think : why do i lose time to explain that to you..? to someone that is so mature and wise to tell me i am crying, when i am actually just saying my point. Saying that swos world is boring and predictable with 5 mins games tells me a lot about your love for swos. Congrats.
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17 years 5 months ago #16019 by Oli O.
Hehe, my words are not so wrong, I think. It s called opinion, I just spoke out one side of it. ;)
My love for SWOS is: 3 mins. in competitions and 10 mins. single-fights against my friends. This is what I call fun. Now you know it!

The predictability in 5 mins is fact, if you compare results from 3 and 5 mins tournaments for example, you ll recognize it.
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17 years 5 months ago - 17 years 5 months ago #16026 by Playaveli

Thread will be opened after April again! Then folks had at least 2 month of intensive playing with 3mins and won t make statements without proper knowledge of the case... Talking about a thing without the experience to it is non-sense. And NONE of us has the experience of how 3mins will work and go in the competetive online scene of SWOS. So please, give it at least a try...

Rule has not even started. ::)

PS: None of us knows what for example the league-tables will look like after a season of 3min games... I am very curious and I look forward to that.
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17 years 5 months ago #16990 by Emmeti
Before posting my opinion i would like to ask SPIR if his intention, starting this topic, was to talk about personal experiences with 3 mins games or he was just trying to predict the future...

If it was about 3 mins games experiences, i think i have a proper knowledge of the case , considering i played a lot of 3 mins games in the past and also some here in ss.de, so i think have a lot to say about that.
In case it was about future ooos , well, sure i can t talk about games i will play in the future.
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17 years 5 months ago - 17 years 5 months ago #17007 by SPIR
I had misunderstood the new rule; i thought we would allready be playing 3 minute games from this month, February. But we start first in March, so lets take it easy and see how it goes.

It will be interesting to see how this changes things. Maybe there will be more activity in chat rooms (more time for more people to play eachother), maybe 3 mins games will freshen up the rankings, maybe 3 mins means less time to play like Brazil and encourages more Nistelrooy/Makaay-finishing skills, this and much more but lets make our experiences first..

This topic was sensibly postponed, but I agree that too many topics are closed. I ts ok to close some topics; no reason to whip a dead horse, but in most cases better option is to let the topics die out naturally, this is more open and allows for a continuing debate. Not a bad thing.
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17 years 5 months ago #17031 by Teutopheus

i think its not worth talking about....

this 3mins - thing will defeats hisself...

3mins are bad...and in 1 or 2 month they all will cry for having back the 5mins....!

and btw,mt:

Oli O. is no serious discussing partner.... he cant discuss normal...not in german, not in english...

if someone talks not his mind, the topic is closed!

Take it as air, what he said... :-*
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17 years 5 months ago #17032 by Emmeti

Oli O. is no serious discussing partner.... he cant discuss normal...not in german, not in english...

if someone talks not his mind, the topic is closed!

Take it as air, what he said... :-*

Hahahahaha ;D

That is funny

Well...about the 3mins thing , we ll see...

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