Re: Help! Can't get SWOS to work

15 years 3 months ago #61562 by Wiggs
I need some help getting SWOS to work. I m pretty useless when it comes to computers so I don t really know what I m doing

I have SWOS 95/96 on CD but cannot get my PS2 joypad to work. I have also downloaded the Amiga version from, can t even get this to load keeps saying something about rom/kickstart? I also downloaded the Sega Megadrive version from the same website but cannot get this to work either. I have also downloaded Dosbox and d-fend but have no idea what I should be doing with them.

Any help to get any of them working would be appreciated as really want to start playing SWOS again but can t!!!

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15 years 3 months ago #61568 by Oli O.
Please use the search function and read some of our tutorials.

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15 years 3 months ago #61576 by sensipla
Replied by sensipla on topic Re: Help! Can't get SWOS to work
Go to #sensible channel on IRC and get the Amiga version there. For Amiga version under emulator you need those ROMs and they are under copyright laws. Still :) It doesnt mean you cant buy them ;)
How to run SWOS and how to play it online (or offline) youll find on, first screen that appears and read tutorials. The game itself you can download on IRC by typing !amiga.

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15 years 3 months ago #61578 by EreWeGo
If you want to play PC SWOS - the easiest way is using the Total Pack , thread here:

...As far as the roms for the Amiga version, see you p.m.


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15 years 3 months ago #61583 by Wiggs
I have downloaded the total pack version, could someone tell me what execute command I type in dosbox? Tried sws.exe and doesn t appear to work

Cheers, nearly there!!!

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15 years 3 months ago - 15 years 3 months ago #61584 by EreWeGo
Hey Wiggs,

you shouldn t need to be typing in DosBox at all - the Total Pack comes with it s own launcher with GUI, giving you all the options you need. Are you starting the application with the launcher?


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15 years 3 months ago #61585 by Wiggs
I ve got it working!!!! The only problem is now I can t calibrate my PS2 joypad and every time I load the game I can t navigate the options due to the incorrect calibratrion!

Any more tips?

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15 years 3 months ago #61586 by EreWeGo
Hi Wiggs,

to callibrate, go into the SWOS++ option at the top of the menu, (you may have to use your arrow keys to navigate until you callibrate/enable joystick control). I m guessing you re using an adaptor for PS2 controller to USB? You should be able to use this okay.


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