Pixel Soccer.

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7 years 3 weeks ago #137585 by SuperRockGames
Replied by SuperRockGames on topic Re: Pixel Soccer.

A lot of progress this month with the career mode.
Long blog post so i wont post all of it here.
You can read it here. superrockgames.tumblr.com/post/162517524...cess-build-june-2017

Here are some highlights...

A nice new shiny UI will be designed for Pixel Soccer’s release. Current UI looks like a pair of old boots :) Works fine but does not look great.

- Simpler game setup options. Career Mode or Choose a Competition. Friendly Match will be available outside of the game setup.
- Match engine is now integrated with the fixture engine. Can now play your matches.
- Can now simulate a match, watch it or play it. Very useful to be able to fast forward through a match, season, up to an event etc during development to check stuff works.
- Can now manage more than one team and have more than one human player(on the same machine multiplayer).
- Player stats now generated by the match engine for human matches and computer matches.
- Players match stats now integrated with fixture engine so you can see how a player did in each match during a season(once the player screen is done :))
- Single competition game setup is now working. Can choose a custom or existing competition to play by itself. Like World Cup, FA cup, UEFA cup etc. add/remove the teams you want. Play once or a number of times.

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6 years 11 months ago #137788 by SuperRockGames
Replied by SuperRockGames on topic Re: Pixel Soccer.

Blog post - superrockgames.tumblr.com/post/163674427...cess-build-july-2017

Lots of progress this month! Control panel, browser, calender, holiday mode, save game and same-machine multi-player mode

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6 years 10 months ago #138033 by SuperRockGames
Replied by SuperRockGames on topic Re: Pixel Soccer.
Whats new this month in Pixel Soccer!
- GUI Editor
- Converting from XML to a proper database
- New website(not finished)
- Table class

Pixel Soccer is due to launch on Early Access in December. I have decided to not record a monthly build video for a while. Two main reasons.

One, there is not that much to show. Most of the work being done is on a tool (GUI Editor) to build the game UI, the game database, game pad controls, table code and save game. This is not that interesting to record a video of :) The match engine has not changed much and will not until the career mode and UI are finished. So watching match game play videos again and again every month is not that interesting, i think.

Two, The Pixel Soccer look and feel is being revamped and there could be a few iterations before i reach a design i am happy with. It would be nice to unveil the final look and feel once is finished.

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6 years 9 months ago #138144 by SuperRockGames
Replied by SuperRockGames on topic Re: Pixel Soccer.
Another month of #PixelSoccer development!

Still working on the GUI Editor. Have added different canvas sizes to be able to see how the UI looks on different resolutions. The idea is to have one UI that will resize itself to any screen size. Instead of building a separate UI for Desktop then for Mobile then for Tablet. Which is a lot of work for a one person dev team. Also sports management games have a lot of screens! Things like player, team, competition screens plus transfers, fixtures, saving/loading, creating players, teams, comps and kits all need a UI. With a tool to create the UI, making then and adding changes later will be much easier.

Also mid-way through rewriting the way you create a career game. You will now be able to build a database using the games starting database plus any custom players, teams, comps and kits you have created with the in game editors. The game then builds the career game world from that database. You can also save that database to create future career games from.

Next month will be focusing on getting the GUI editor to produce its first UI and then integrating that into the game.

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6 years 8 months ago #138237 by SuperRockGames
Replied by SuperRockGames on topic Re: Pixel Soccer.
Another month of #PixelSoccer development!

This month has mostly been spent working on the GUI Editor and on rewriting how a career game is created. Not as much progress made as i would have liked. There was more work involved in building the GUI Editor interface than first thought.

As a result, I have decided to push back the release of the game from Christmas to summer.

The reasons for this are that…
  • There is a world cup on this summer! What a great time to release a soccer game :)
  • The GUI editor has taken a lot longer than i expected.
  • Rewriting parts of Pixel Soccer have been delayed by work on the GUI Editor.
  • Pixel Soccer no longer has an artist unfortunately and i will need time to raise money for the remaining artwork needed in the game.
  • Pixel Soccer is self funded. I work part-time to fund its development, especially over Christmas and New Year as they are busy casual work periods. Because of this i will not have much time for development during this time.
  • I would like Pixel Soccer to be a quality game when released and rushing parts of it will not produce a good experience for people who buy the game and me who will have to respond to all the bug complaints.

Hope you understand and keep following Pixel Soccer’s progress.

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6 years 7 months ago #138546 by SuperRockGames
Replied by SuperRockGames on topic Re: Pixel Soccer.
Like Cristiano Ronaldo pivoting 360 degrees and dribbling in the opposite direction, I also have pivoted :). From working on the GUI Editor to working on the match engine. It turns out that when making a game you shouldn’t spend two months working on a development tool when your the ONLY programmer! :P

Anyways you live and learn.

Turns out the match engine is pretty much feature complete. Here’s what changed this month…

- Added new substitution screen where you can sub players on and off, you can also enter this screen to make changes before the match. The previous version of this screen had a few bugs and also didn’t use the “FIFA style” player picture portraits(head, arms and shirt) which i think look way better than just the players name in a table.
- Added new formation screen where you change formation and make your own custom formation by modifying existing formation. Again it is an improvement on the previous version as it had some bugs and didn’t use pictures of the players.
- Added a cursor that you can control using game-pad and keyboard controls to navigate UI’s. This is a much simpler system than what was there before where there needed to be onscreen cues on what button controls what UI element.
- Fixed a major Goalkeeper bug, there was a case where the goalkeeper collision would “miss” the ball and always result in a goal! Thats been fixed now.

Up next month…

Dont think there is any other parts of the match engine i want to rewrite. Most of the work next month will be on testing/bug fixing the game-play and improving controls and UI. I think after match engine is in beta i will move on to improving the player editor and kit editor.

Pixel Soccer has been in development for a while now but the aim has always been making a great game not a quick game. Learning by experience to only release a game when its ready. Releasing a game that is not playable properly and buggy will result in a bad experience for you, the games community, and us as the developers. The vision is for a great pixel art game so work will continue until that is reached.

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6 years 6 months ago #138682 by SuperRockGames
Replied by SuperRockGames on topic Re: Pixel Soccer.
Somehow along with working full-time and enjoying the festive period, i still managed to get some Pixel Soccer development done this month.

Biggest change is that i got swerve/curve working for computer AI teams shots on goal. Up til now if the AI added any swerve, the goalkeeper was unable to predict the correct direction and just stood there and let the ball go in. Now with the goalkeeper collision fix last month and with a few bug fixes in the AI code, it works :) And looks much better when you see the computer opposition player try to curl a shot into the far corner.

Also added saving a custom formation so its available each time you play the game.

Next month will be more improvements to the match engine AI. As Pixel Soccer will launch with single player career mode the AI needs to have enough depth to be fun and challenging to play with.

Have also setup a shop to help fund Pixel Soccer. You can find it here www.redbubble.com/people/scoreline/shop?asc=u . Only stickers for now but will add more designs and products soon. Requests are welcome.

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6 years 5 months ago #138905 by SuperRockGames
Replied by SuperRockGames on topic Re: Pixel Soccer.
Busy month from Pixel Soccer development.

Continued adding the new UI control to more screens in the game. This is a system where you can use the game-pad and keyboard to control a cursor to select the UI elements. Much simpler than coming up with button combinations to control tables/drop-downs etc

Multi-threading opengl bug which was causing the a worker thread to wait for a signal from the main thread that never came. Multi-thread bugs are infinitely harder to debug especially when opengl is involved.

Did some work on the GUI tool which was such a time sink in 2017. Probably shouldn’t have but is was nice to work on something other than the match engine fro a while.

Also started changing how the goalkeeper animation works. It is still using the old system where each goalkeeper is all one texture. Instead of head/arms/legs, shirt, shorts and socks. So it means no other player can be a goalkeeper, no other colours of goalkeeper kit and you can only pick from the 3 goalkeepers that were made when we started Pixel Soccer development.

Check out the Pixel Soccer shop. You can find it here www.redbubble.com/people/scoreline/shop?asc=u . Only stickers for now but will add more designs and products soon. Requests are welcome.

Pixel Soccer has been in development for a while now but the aim has always been making a great game not a quick game. Learning by experience to only release a game when its ready. Releasing a game that is not playable properly and buggy will result in a bad experience for you, the games community, and us as the developers. The vision is for a great pixel art game so work will continue until that is reached.

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6 years 4 months ago #138990 by SuperRockGames
Replied by SuperRockGames on topic Re: Pixel Soccer.
I am looking for beta testers to help test Pixel Soccer. If you are interested and have time to spare please do get involved. Its only with your help that the game can get better. You will need a Steam account. You can sign up here store.steampowered.com . Its free! Take one of the Steam beta key listed below then just follow the instructions on the steam website on how to use the Steam keys. Also free :)

Steam Beta Keys
1) 0G3JV-82G3I-G447Y
2) 9ZDY9-TRD33-JLNI9

NOTE: Its first come, first serve so if the key does not work it means someone already took it.

Most of this month has been spent on preparing a free public demo of Pixel Soccer through Steam. The demo is for something which is happening soon which i cant tell you about :) Other than that there have been more UI bug fixes and improvements.

Pixel Soccer has been in development for a while now but the aim has always been making a great game not a quick game. Learning by experience to only release a game when its ready. Releasing a game that is not playable properly and buggy will result in a bad experience for you, the games community, and us as the developers. The vision is for a great pixel art game so work will continue until that is reached.

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6 years 3 months ago #139093 by SuperRockGames
Replied by SuperRockGames on topic Re: Pixel Soccer.
Pixel Soccer - Early Access Build - March 2018

First month of external beta testing over.

The good points…

Found lots of bugs, crashes and usability issues. Which are in the process of being fixed.

The bad points…

A lot of people took beta keys but didn’t give back any feedback! Not even “I played it and it crashed” or “This is the worse game in history because…”

Not sure why people do this but its a shame because those keys could have gone to someone who would have given feedback.

So if you want to take part in beta testing (AND GIVING FEEDBACK!!! ) please email contact at superrockgames dot com and request a key.

Pixel Soccer has been in development for a while now but the aim has always been making a great game not a quick game. Learning by experience to only release a game when its ready. Releasing a game that is not playable properly and buggy will result in a bad experience for you, the games community, and us as the developers. The vision is for a great pixel art game so work will continue until that is reached.

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