Re: Anarchy in #SWOS?
[10:55] Cannot join channel, you are banned (+b): #SWOS
I am really unhappy to see that some few people who think they need to split the community. Anyway, if someone is banned on resp. #sensible, he is able to join #SWOS where he is operator. Anyway, I don t want to understand or to rate this, but it s sad that this great channelname is abused for childish rebellion against the whole project of - but they forgot that is not one person and I spent many years into it.
The problem is not a new channel, I join other channels too, so I did with #SWOS, first I was the only one who was no op, then I was banned, then I was op, then no op anymore and now I am banned again, let it be understood - without any noticeable reason! I just have to assume that it s because I am an admin of - like mt653 wrote: why I want to join this channel if I have my own .. or what I understand: I am unwelcome. Now you can think what you want, I don t get it.
In fact there are people in #SWOS but not in #sensible, although they are banned, who I like (just like in case of Infiltrate) and others I just thought I like them but I ve erred. Infiltrate is one of the greatest SWOS players ever, but he was a bad loser and he knows it. That was the problem and nothing else, we don t judge on base of sympathies. And if someone is banned, then he is banned as player, this is no judgement about the real person behind the player. We all make faults ..
Anyway, such things can really discourage and we just do it for fun, please don t forget. We want to have fun instead to discuss about all the world and his wife.
What do you mean? I don t even know who banned meAre you sure that it is people related to swos that banned you?

I hope I sounded a bit reasonable. For all other ppl, especially the ones I got to know so well in the last 2 years, you are heartly welcome to join #SWOS on Quakenet and have some chat

For me the channel#SWOS was the only chatroom for meeting Pallister for a while . Now he is back on #sensible and i´m off from channel #SWOS . It makes no sense for me to explain my votes to offended guys (have fun there)
but maybe there must be some rebellion channel
as you could see, there were some differences cause of ranking in former times...
but after speaking and writing a lot, we could solve the problems...
people who doesnt want to solve such problems, may leave #sensible for lifetime....
you can see some community-dividing projects, but you can see the success too

you can see some community-supporting projects, and you can see their big success !
all separate playing sensible players have the possibility to write an email with wishes and ideas and we will se what we can do for it
tell me the problems

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
all separate playing sensible players have the possibility to write an email with wishes and ideas and we will se what we can do for it
tell me the problems
I think creating a topic in the forum for people to give their ideas and discussion would be great

There is no need to discuss this channel any longer. If some players decide to join this channel (and maybe leave #sensible) it s their own decision. Same when they leave #swos to join #sensible again.
De facto i am banned from #SWOS just for beeing admin of a website. BTW a website which was/is giving fans a platform to play SWOS, something like a dating agency for SWOS players to find opponents to play online and even offline, basis for many SWOS-related friendships worldwide. A lot of work and money was necessary to create it as it is. And just because an admin was bugged about moanings about earned SRNs and because you took it the wrong way, you call the whole project into question. It s more than exaggerated if you ask me. It just hurts me to see that the main function of #SWOS is to moan about and their admins, that s the only plausible reason that I am not welcome. But although I am admin because I ve started this project together with ElMichaJ in 2001, I am still just a SWOS fan and a member like you. I dislike the idea to use the name of the game as a parallel IRC channel to spoil the solidarity within a community, for reasons which are incomprehensible. If I remember to 2001 we were a small group of outsiders having fun playing a Retro game with golden memories. And now? Some people have problems to play without rulebooks, cry about unfair systems and evil admins. Such things destroy my motivation and not only mine. We earn no money, quite the reverse, but on one of these days you ask yourself why? I could without that . Seems that some people care so much about SRNs and words in forum, this makes me think to be an institution. It s something I am not sure to be proud or worried. Maybe it isn t much if 1% of the community try to revolt against the regimen , although it makes me still not happy. But whatever we are doing, we do it wrong, at least for some members. We have to learn to accept the situation that we are not always able to find a sympathetic ear. It s a new situation, not so long ago either I had controversies with a few members and we could always sort it out with respect, without the need to have the same opinion. But if someone prefers to talk behind my back, without to eliminate prejudices: to hell with you!This channel wasn t founded to ban anyone (except Playaveli, he was banned short after the beginning) or as a rebellion channel. Because of several things u can read in the forum I left #sensible for a while and opened #swos to meet my SWOS-friends there. Not more, not less.
There is no need to discuss this channel any longer. If some players decide to join this channel (and maybe leave #sensible) it s their own decision. Same when they leave #swos to join #sensible again.
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