Re: Long term strategy

18 years 4 months ago #12950 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Long term strategy
You cannot force people to do anything or come anywhere!

Sensible Days in Pirmasens are perfectly organized and have space for 40 people!

Sensible Days are always in August!

Sensible Days exact date is announced early enough; at least 3 month before the tournament, ie 12 weeks)! Nearly (!!) every worker can take holidays, every student can look on his time-table!

Sensible Days are being held in a very centre location in Europe! (look on a map of Europe and make a big circle around Pirmasens. Countries included are Germany, France, England, Wales, Italy, Switzerland and Austria)!

Sensible Days have already the best promotion you can do for a tournament (Newsletters, threads in various forums, videos, photos, reports...whatever you need)

Sensible Days have a really really small starting fee and cheap accomodation! You pay 30 Euros for the whole weekend. Sleeping, drinking, eating flatrate all inclusive)!



We have already every needed condition!
We CANNOT do more!

It is up to every individual to come to Pirmasens!

PS: Even though 13 players are very very disappointing I agreed with Redhair to keep on organizing the Sensi Days! As long as people like Torpedo and others join the tour it is worth EVERY BIT! For those people I would carry 20 boxes of beer to the refrigerator!
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18 years 4 months ago - 18 years 4 months ago #12953 by Stromberg
Replied by Stromberg on topic Re: Long term strategy
I think the location (Pirmasens) is not a really good place. Should be a city with an airport and a good ICE connection like Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Hannover, Berlin. To these cities you can always get a cheap connection: a cheap airline or a train special. Its true that Pirmasens is geographically in the middle of Europe but regarding infrastructure its in the middle of nowhere. The pictures and videos look great, that sports centre looks great too. But what is it worth if you can hardly get there unless you own a car and get some ppl with you. Did anyone come by train to the days?
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18 years 4 months ago #12954 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Long term strategy
Stromi.... long as people like Torpedo and Tubalardo Cauliflowerears can come to Pirmasens, I think everybody can!

Baad train connections and whatever are nothing more than bad excuses! The tournament starts on Saturday, at about 12 am. People can arrive on Friday!!!! We have sleeping possibilties until monday!!!

From Europe their is the airport Frankfurt/Hahn! Less than 150km from Pirmasens.

We have a travel board. You can contact people from your country with the message system on and arrange together-driving!

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18 years 4 months ago - 18 years 4 months ago #12958 by Emmeti
Replied by Emmeti on topic Re: Long term strategy
Do we have any idea if people are interested?
I was really interested but unfortunately some last minute problems ruined all my plans, i hope to be there next year.

Did anyone ask to other members?
Too far from home? Too expensive? August not the best date?
Or are they just not interested?
I know according from what you say Playa, those are irrelevant details because Redhair is the organizer, he decides dates and places, so if you want to play sensidays pirmasens is the place august is the date. That s ok.1 - 2 - 3 or 13 or 1000, doesn t matter and i must say looking at pics , reading reports ... Redhair did a great job!   :D   thumbs up!

Once again if your goal is to have as many players as you can, i think the best way is to ask 1 by 1 to members :
Are you interested in joining offline tournaments?
When are you going to have a couple (2 and a half, maybe 3) days off work, study, whatever, to go to sensidays?
What s your budget?
How far would you travel?
after receiving all answers you could have an idea of where and when is better to organize an offline tournament.

Otherwise keep going this way, i think it s  awesome  anyway!!!

There s no the perfect place , you cannot make everyone happy.
Someone has to drive and/or fly more , someone has to spend more time to go to Pirma than others, like for every other place in europe.
I think is about to decide just if it s better (in order to have biggest sensidays possible)  to the community to decide places and organizers or let redhair organize the whole thing. 
Once you ve decided,  complaining is useless because what you get is the best thing you can have.
Once you know WHEN and WHERE and how MUCH,  then it s UP TO YOU.
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18 years 4 months ago #12961 by Redhair
Replied by Redhair on topic Re: Long term strategy
Well said, Playaveli .. The location is not the problem, if it s possible that 80,000 visitors come for a World Barbecue Championship in Pirmasens, with participants from Jamaica, USA, Japan etc.

Maybe it s more comfortable to travel to Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, but a similar location is much more expensive there and I doubt it would keep the private atmosphere of the CVJM Jugendgaestehaus.

You need to be a freak to play SWOS and to travel a long way to play it against others, doesn t matter if you travel to Berlin or Pirmasens. SWOS is no Pro Evolution and no FIFA Soccer and here is no Verona Feldbusch or Jon Hare at the location.

The new generation in Germany don t play SWOS because they don t have an Amiga or an old DOS PC and they think a good game needs beautiful graphics. And they would be to lazy or not able to set up an old PC or to configure DOSBox or VDMSound, only to test the game. And Codemasters failed in the mission to bring back the old fun to the new people. They should bring back the old Retro fun, nothing else. Otherwise the game will never have a chance to reach the young people you need to get more participants.

But I think I have more fun with 13 well known SWOS legends (+ X, don t forget the nice supporters) then with 100 anonymous fashion players in Frankfurt in a big hall. More people = better event? I think no. And it s only one time in a year. I think it really doesn t matter where the event is, if the location and the people are cool, and they are.

Other thing is Online Gaming vs. Offline Gaming. Do the Kick Off people play online? Do the ISSA Denmark play online? Where are the Serbians to play online (except Yossarian). You see, there are peple who don t need to play offline if they can play online and they are people who don t like to play online because they like to play offline much more or they cannot play online or whatever, I don t know. And Germany or France is no Serbia ..

The location in Pirmasens is, for now, more the enough for all interested SWOS freaks. I see no reason for a next step (bigger city/location). There was FIFA World Cup 06 in Kaiserslautern, only 30 km from here. People could also travel to Kaiserslautern, from all over the world, and if you are there it s no problem to take a train to Pirmasens. You can arrive on Friday! You can sleep, eat and drink for cheap. So many advantages here we couldn t give you in an other location.
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18 years 2 months ago #13990 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Long term strategy
A few days ago I spoke to Redhair again and he had a clue...
The main problem is that there are 2 famous versions of SWOS. PC and Amiga...

If there was only 1 unique version we are sure that more people would have joined past and will join future Sensible Days.
Best example: Kickoff2 (Amiga only), as stated here, the World CUp had 63 players.

Although we organize tournaments for both systems on Sensi Days (PC on Saturday, Amiga on Sunday) it would be much more attractive if we could concentrate on only one of them.

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18 years 2 months ago - 18 years 2 months ago #13994 by GFC
Replied by GFC on topic Re: Long term strategy

Where are the Serbians to play online (except Yossarian)?

I m Serbian too ;)

I think that the main problem lies in offline vs online playing.

When there was no possibility to play SWOS online, tournaments in Serbia gathered 40-50 participants from Serbia, Czech Rep, Poland, Austria, even Lebanon. And those tournaments were organized in a small city in Serbia, with poor traffic connections, poor accomodation, but there was a lot of fun. People HAD to gather on some place these days if they want to play together. We even had a woman player :)

Now, it is the most likely that whoever register on have a possibility (broadband internet connection) to play online, from his/her own room, without need to travel 100, 500, 1000, 2000 km to get to Germany. And that kills offline tournaments. People got lazy, everyone would like to get there in the first place, but later some unavoidable duties or problems prevent them to actually buy a ticket and really come to Germany. I think theis year was not an exception, you should count on repeating this situation in following years.

Belgrade offline tournament held this year is not quite for comparison. We had around 20 contestants, but 16-17 of them are from Belgrade. It is not hard to gather 20 people in a city of 1,5 million.

I wish you Germans to make tournaments where thousands of people will gather, with lot of fun, etc, etc.

Cheers, GFC`98

P.S. For instance: if I had wanted to come to Pirmasens last summer, there was NO CHANCE I could get a visa without one-two-three months torturing in German Embassy (or any EU-member s embassy). People from many countries have big problems to travel to EU, but, since most of the members on are from EU-countries, this is not the reason for small number of participants on tournaments.
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18 years 2 months ago #13995 by Gloam
Replied by Gloam on topic Re: Long term strategy

Regarding the duel format question. As far as I can see most people play or have played the Amiga version be it online or off. In al the polls on this website Amiga comes out on top, trumping the Genesis version and oftentimes the PC version, thus it would seem like a sensible thing to use the Amiga version as the primary game at Sensi Days, perhaps leaving the PC as an afterthought or as a non competitive alternative.
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18 years 2 months ago - 18 years 2 months ago #13996 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Long term strategy
This is not so easy because in Denmark and Serbia there are huge PC SWOS communities. And as long as you cannot play PC version online they don t care about internet so much. Maybe the vote would have been totally equal otherwise...

Denmark s ISSA:

Serbia s SWOS witnesses: (temp location)


International Offline tournaments will only start to be huge as Kickoff2 World Cups if we have a unique version that everybody plays..., to get only ONE champion, not 2 of them!

Maybe the new SWOS in 2007 will bring the systems together...we will see!
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18 years 2 months ago #13997 by Gloam
Replied by Gloam on topic Re: Long term strategy
Yeah here s hoping Codemasters come through with the new SWOS. I uninstalled SS2006 yesterday, in retrospect it was an utter waste of time. Anyways fingers crossed for an all conquering single platform Sensible World of Soccer that we can all enjoy.
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