Check league & ooo results via mIRC
13 years 2 months ago #107516
by Fclan
Check league & ooo results via mIRC was created by Fclan
Hi everyone, this topic is related to users who are lazy and uses irc client called: mIRC.
So, if your mIRC client is running type ALT+R and paste this code:
Now type /results in any window
You should see:
If you add /results to perform settings on connect you will see latest results everytime, when you start your mIRC.
Let me know if it works for you. Remember, only for mIRC, not dana etc.
So, if your mIRC client is running type ALT+R and paste this code:
alias results{
alias ticker {
write -c ooo.txt
sockopen ticker2 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:ticker2: {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /index.php?site=online_amigaoneonone_result HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:ticker2: {
sockread %temp
if ( TD class= ranking2 align= right width= 140 isin %temp) {
set %p1 $left($gettok(%temp,3,62),-3)
elseif ( TD align= center width= 50 isin %temp) {
set %r1 $left($gettok(%temp,5,62),-3)
set %r2 $left($gettok(%temp,9,62),-3)
elseif ( TD class= ranking2 align= left width= 140 isin %temp) {
set %p2 $left($gettok(%temp,3,62),-3)
elseif ( td align= center class= medium style= color:#c0c0c0 isin %temp) {
set %d $left($gettok(%temp,2,62),-3)
write ooo.txt $remove(%p1 %r1 $+ : $+ %r2 %p2 %d, nbsp; , nbsp;, )
clear @A-OOO
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,1)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,2)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,3)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,4)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,5)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,6)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,7)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,8)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,9)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,10)
sockclose ticker2
alias lv {
if (!%lv_col) set %lv_col 10
if (!window(wyniki)) window -l13S @A-OOO
alias lv2 {
if (!%lv2_col) set %lv2_col 10
if (!window(wyniki2)) window -l13S @Liga
alias ticker1 {
write -c liga.txt
sockopen ticker3 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:ticker3: {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /index.php?site=online_amiga_ergebnisse HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:ticker3: {
sockread %temp2
if ( td class= right_rank_header style= color:#farbe_liga# isin %temp2) {
set %n $left($gettok(%temp2,11,62),-4)
elseif ( TD class= right_rank_header align= right width= 110 style= color:#ffffff;text-transform:uppercase isin %temp2) {
set %pl1 $left($gettok(%temp2,2,62),-4)
elseif ( tr td width= 15 align= right class= right_rank_header style= color:#ffffff isin %temp2) {
set %rl1 $left($gettok(%temp2,5,62),-4)
set %rl2 $left($gettok(%temp2,9,62),-4)
elseif ( TD class= right_rank_header align= left width= 110 style= color:#ffffff;text-transform:uppercase isin %temp2) {
set %pl2 $left($gettok(%temp2,2,62),-4)
elseif ( td align= center class= right_rank_header style= color:#c0c0c0 isin %temp2) {
set %dt $left($gettok(%temp2,2,62),-4)
write liga.txt $remove(4 $+ %n $+ %pl1 %rl1 $+ : $+ %rl2 %pl2 %dt, nbsp;)
clear @Liga
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,1)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,2)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,3)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,4)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,5)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,6)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,7)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,8)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,9)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,10)
sockclose ticker3
Now type /results in any window
You should see:
If you add /results to perform settings on connect you will see latest results everytime, when you start your mIRC.
Let me know if it works for you. Remember, only for mIRC, not dana etc.
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13 years 2 months ago #107562
by ElMichaJ
Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
Replied by ElMichaJ on topic Re: Check league & ooo results via mIRC
a real nice one idea !!!
Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
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13 years 2 months ago #107644
by Fclan
Replied by Fclan on topic Re: Check league & ooo results via mIRC
Ranking included. If you have any other ideas, just let me know
Type ALT+R and replace old code with this:
If you want to see last results and ranking when your miRC starts, all you need to do is:
Type ALT+R and replace old code with this:
alias results {
alias ticker {
write -c ooo.txt
sockopen ticker2 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:ticker2: {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /index.php?site=online_amigaoneonone_result HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:ticker2: {
sockread %temp
if ( TD class= ranking2 align= right width= 140 isin %temp) {
set %p1 $left($gettok(%temp,3,62),-3)
elseif ( TD align= center width= 50 isin %temp) {
set %r1 $left($gettok(%temp,5,62),-3)
set %r2 $left($gettok(%temp,9,62),-3)
elseif ( TD class= ranking2 align= left width= 140 isin %temp) {
set %p2 $left($gettok(%temp,3,62),-3)
elseif ( td align= center class= medium style= color:#c0c0c0 isin %temp) {
set %d $left($gettok(%temp,2,62),-3)
write ooo.txt $remove(%p1 %r1 $+ : $+ %r2 %p2 %d, nbsp; , nbsp;, )
clear @A-OOO
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,1)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,2)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,3)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,4)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,5)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,6)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,7)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,8)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,9)
echo @A-OOO $read(ooo.txt,10)
sockclose ticker2
alias lv {
if (!%lv_col) set %lv_col 10
if (!window(wyniki)) window -l13S @A-OOO
alias lv2 {
if (!%lv2_col) set %lv2_col 10
if (!window(wyniki2)) window -l13S @Liga
alias lv3 {
if (!%lv3_col) set %lv2_col 10
if (!window(wyniki3)) window -l13S @Ranking
alias ticker1 {
write -c liga.txt
sockopen ticker3 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:ticker3: {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /index.php?site=online_amiga_ergebnisse HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:ticker3: {
sockread %temp2
if ( td class= right_rank_header style= color:#farbe_liga# isin %temp2) {
set %n $left($gettok(%temp2,11,62),-4)
elseif ( TD class= right_rank_header align= right width= 110 style= color:#ffffff;text-transform:uppercase isin %temp2) {
set %pl1 $left($gettok(%temp2,2,62),-4)
elseif ( tr td width= 15 align= right class= right_rank_header style= color:#ffffff isin %temp2) {
set %rl1 $left($gettok(%temp2,5,62),-4)
set %rl2 $left($gettok(%temp2,9,62),-4)
elseif ( TD class= right_rank_header align= left width= 110 style= color:#ffffff;text-transform:uppercase isin %temp2) {
set %pl2 $left($gettok(%temp2,2,62),-4)
elseif ( td align= center class= right_rank_header style= color:#c0c0c0 isin %temp2) {
set %dt $left($gettok(%temp2,2,62),-4)
write liga.txt $remove(4 $+ %n $+ %pl1 %rl1 $+ : $+ %rl2 %pl2 %dt, nbsp;)
clear @Liga
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,1)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,2)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,3)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,4)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,5)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,6)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,7)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,8)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,9)
echo @Liga $read(liga.txt,10)
sockclose ticker3
alias ticker2 {
write -c ranking.txt
sockopen ticker 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:ticker: {
clear @Ranking
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /index.php?site=community_ranking sid=5 HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:ticker: {
sockread %temp3
if ( td class= ranking2 align= center bgcolor= #000033 width= 30 isin %temp3) {
set %place $left($gettok(%temp3,2,62),-4)
elseif ( td class= ranking2 align= left background= images/bg_ranking.gif colspan= 2 table border= 0 cellpadding= 0 cellspacing= 0 tr td width= 30 align= center isin %temp3) {
set %plr $left($gettok(%temp3,9,62),-3)
elseif ( td class= ranking2 align= center bgcolor= #575366 width= 50 isin %temp3 || td class= ranking2 align= center bgcolor= #474355 width= 50 isin %temp3) {
set %pts $left($gettok(%temp3,2,62),-4)
write ranking.txt %place $+ . %plr %pts SRN
clear @Ranking
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,1)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,2)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,3)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,4)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,5)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,6)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,7)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,8)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,9)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,10)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,11)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,12)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,13)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,14)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,15)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,16)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,17)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,18)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,19)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,20)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,21)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,22)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,23)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,24)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,25)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,26)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,27)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,28)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,29)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,30)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,31)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,32)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,33)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,34)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,35)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,36)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,37)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,38)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,39)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,40)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,41)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,42)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,43)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,44)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,45)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,46)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,47)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,48)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,49)
echo @Ranking $read(ranking.txt,50)
sockclose ticker
If you want to see last results and ranking when your miRC starts, all you need to do is:
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13 years 2 months ago #107684
by cinek
Replied by cinek on topic Re: Check league & ooo results via mIRC
good job pijaku
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