15 years 2 months ago #61693 by SPIR
WTF SPIR LOL!!??? was created by SPIR

Hi Guys.

Damn been a long break for me from SWOS.. Hope you guys are all doing fine and enjoying yourselves, and tapping into the unlimited potentials of this game and I m sure you are.

There can be no question of retirement from SWOS for me. I love this game. Been nice with a break though.. Well here goes, I m a lazy bastard and even worse at logging in to all these modern online communication utilities or something like that, bla bla hrm hrm.. sorry for being so silent.

I m fine thanks :D .. Springtime .. Summer s coming up and I m going to be a nurse. I think years of playing SWOS has given me the exactly right qualifications for this profession ;D Hell I might write it into my application haha.

I miss my unbeaten runs vs. djowGer, knocking Schulle out of Aalborg SWOS Cup #1, offline stats vs. Pallister (no sidebude on me buddy ;D), playing LOBO in Danish Open (yes THOSE friggin n00b s) final, outtacklepassing Playavelli in SensiDays QF

Muuaahahahahaa ah ah

wait, damn not all this stuff really happened!!.. But I really miss the thrills! Allways thrilling SWOS. But these days are over for me for now (not the thrills ofcourse) - I havent played in 2 years??

Ill be ready to get my crotch kicked anytime soon so see you on the pitch.

All the best to everyone!

Best regards - Spir

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15 years 2 months ago - 15 years 2 months ago #61700 by lobo
Replied by lobo on topic Re: WTF SPIR LOL!!???
Great to hear from you!

Trust me or not but I asked djowger many, many times where the hell is Spir. Not that I missed you, I m just craving for DO payback ;) after all we only played 2x10 mins + extra time :D.

Any chance of you joining Nordic Open next weekend?

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15 years 2 months ago #61702 by Falcon
Replied by Falcon on topic Re: WTF SPIR LOL!!???
you ve been gone for 2 years???

Man I am getting old.....

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15 years 2 months ago #61711 by LIK
Replied by LIK on topic Re: WTF SPIR LOL!!???
Welcome back my old friend

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15 years 2 months ago #61730 by djowGer
Replied by djowGer on topic Re: WTF SPIR LOL!!???
This is the best news for a long time in the danish swos community :D

welcome back Spir!!!

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15 years 2 months ago #61733 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: WTF SPIR LOL!!???
I am ready for getting outtacklepassed !!!! ;D
Welcome back, dude!

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15 years 2 months ago - 15 years 2 months ago #61899 by SPIR
Replied by SPIR on topic Re: WTF SPIR LOL!!???
OK AWESOME. im pretty exited to play a game of swos again. Nordic Open 2009 looks like the perfect opportunity, to say the least, even i only fully realized this monday that it s on. ill try to do some last minute arrangements and hope to join you there. also i will be happy to give you chance for DO payback Lobo and to meet you old friends and swos freaks over a game of swos.

friends, organizers, this turney looks great! i hope that alles klappt, that i can be there too and we all make this real!

sidenote: im alittle embarassed to write like that here earlier that im going to be nurse. but you can study physiology which i think is cool, and learn some basic skills + the books are not as heavy (literally) as say studying medicine, which would be way to heavy study for me, even if i had possibility to get in, which i dont! i can think of other plusses too. just speaking my mind. this study feels right for me :)

+ when i say lazy bastard i mean more correctly being a freeloading hobo, but one in a nice kinda way. yay :)

mission plan: get to randers. get arcade joystick home in near future. get internet connection.

See ya people!

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15 years 2 months ago #61922 by djowGer
Replied by djowGer on topic Re: WTF SPIR LOL!!???

OK AWESOME. im pretty exited to play a game of swos again. Nordic Open 2009 looks like the perfect opportunity, to say the least, even i only fully realized this monday that it s on. ill try to do some last minute arrangements and hope to join you there. also i will be happy to give you chance for DO payback Lobo and to meet you old friends and swos freaks over a game of swos.

friends, organizers, this turney looks great! i hope that alles klappt, that i can be there too and we all make this real!

sidenote: im alittle embarassed to write like that here earlier that im going to be nurse. but you can study physiology which i think is cool, and learn some basic skills + the books are not as heavy (literally) as say studying medicine, which would be way to heavy study for me, even if i had possibility to get in, which i dont! i can think of other plusses too. just speaking my mind. this study feels right for me :)

+ when i say lazy bastard i mean more correctly being a freeloading hobo, but one in a nice kinda way. yay :)

mission plan: get to randers. get arcade joystick home in near future. get internet connection.

See ya people!

For you to join Nordic Open 09 would be truly awsome!!! :D

If you want company on your journey to Randers, you should contact the 5-6 ISSA players from Copenhagen. They will take the train to Randers on saturday, arriving around 12.24 in Randers, leaving 08:50 from CPH.

Please contact me for ur final decision if you come or not.

hope to see you Randers spir! :)

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15 years 2 months ago #61933 by Schulle
Replied by Schulle on topic Re: WTF SPIR LOL!!???

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15 years 2 months ago #61972 by Pallister
Replied by Pallister on topic Re: WTF SPIR LOL!!???
That are some really good news, Tapio. Welcome back, good to see you alive and obviously in good shape.

I was really in worries, shame on you ;)

Would be great to see you in person again as soon as possible...

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