Re: Sensible Days 2008

15 years 10 months ago #48481 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Sensible Days 2008
Btw, thanks to Redhair for the f****** BEST SWOS tournamant manager program ever!
It worked so great and looks so nice. You feel like being in the game actually.

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15 years 10 months ago #48483 by djowGer
Replied by djowGer on topic Re: Sensible Days 2008

Btw, thanks to Redhair for the f****** BEST SWOS tournamant manager program ever!
It worked so great and looks so nice. You feel like being in the game actually.

hehe.. i was just about to ask about it. Looks awsome, allthough the picture is blurry. I hope it gets available for further swos tournaments :)

great pictures joanna and dior btw. :)

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15 years 10 months ago - 15 years 10 months ago #48484 by lobo
Replied by lobo on topic Re: Sensible Days 2008
I have problems speaking, my voice is not back yet, thought I could write something but it s not easy to describe everything. Guess Dior s pics show exactly what I felt after tournament was over :)

Definitely the best off-line tournament I ever attended. Different nationalities, different personalities united by a simple game. Thanks to orginizers for gathering them all under one roof for an unforgetable event, thanks to participants for coming (+2000 km drive from Bulgaria :o)


Lucaa was reinventing this version taking it to another level. His games against Redhair and Playaveli were without a shadow of doubt highlights of tournament. Win never came easy but it was deserved one.
My personal expectations were KO stages (which would be a vast improvement from last year when i didn t come on time ;)). Bronze medal was something I never ever thought of.


From quarterfinals on I had to fight back after losing first leg. With neverending support from Polish SWOS Team (not to mention my friends from other countries which I m not gonna point out here for the fear of missing someone out ;)) it was incredible. Moment I remember most was a 90th minute point blank save in a semi-final replay vs Marin.

Thanks again.

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15 years 10 months ago - 15 years 10 months ago #48488 by Lucaa83
Replied by Lucaa83 on topic Re: Sensible Days 2008
...That fantastic tournaments!
I wasn t really thinking to be able to win PC swos cup, i played it with fun and without any so great targets, because i didn t make any training at home.
When i won it, i didn t understand about the occured, i had the cup in my hand but i couldn t understand that i was the winner(!!).
When the referee gived the end of last match, i wasn t sure to have won, i was so excited and confused (it could be for the late hours :P, it was 6:00 a.m.!!!), and i had no words to say.
This is time to say something to all my supporters, opponent players, and organizers of the event:
1) Supporters: Thx you all for your words, i heared them all when i was playing, i couldn t win without you, thx a lot to all of you, specially to Sasy and Manuell, that supported me as nobody could make. I don t make other names, but i thank all people that supported me ever, with the heart.
2) Opponent players: Thx you all for played in fair and friendship mode, strongest and competitively level possible, it makes of this tournament the best of ever.
I liked handshake and your good luck for next meatches , this is the true sport and way to life, thx you all again.
3) Organizers: Thx you all (Oli O., Playaveli, Redhair, Elmichaj and so on...and on..) to gave us the opportunity to meet ourselves and to play offline.
It was a really fantastic organization. Thx for the gifts, i appreciated them so much. I hope to exchange again your hospitality as soon as possible.

Congratulations goes to all players, that with their attendance made of this tournament the bigger of every time.
Congratulations to Lobo, the Amiga champion, fair player and good friend, nice to meet you Lobooooo....Lobooooooo :).
Congratulations to BobbieBobras that was unlucky for a problem with his joystick in the final match, really bad luck, i m really sorry for him. Bobbie played so great matches, expecially the final, was superb player.
Congratulations to Manuell, that played so strong and aggressive, ever searching for score and victory, great friend and great player, well done.
Congratulations to Sasy, that played against Manuell in 16th of the final, it was italian heart derby. We had a lot of fun with international friends ;).
Congratulations to my opponents, they were ever fair and nice friends, although the lost.

Greetings goes to Wana and his son Jak too, i played against Wana in both pc and amiga, and against Jak on xbox. They are good people and i wish them all the best.
Greetings to Dior and his girlfriend (Johanna if i m not wrong :)), nice and fun people, thx for shared photos, i m going to watch them.
Greetings to the Polish players, Foka, Lobo, Bobbie, MaroJ, Dior..and all of you, Polskaaaaaa.....(I d like singing polish song, but i don t know it :P).
Greetings to Pallister and MarinParushev, they played in quarter final (if i m not wrong), great players and performance, no way to beat Marin on Amiga and xbox for me :).
Greetings to Greg that supported me so much.
Greetings to all the people that i haven t mentioned here, but they are all in my head.

See you soon friends

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15 years 10 months ago - 15 years 10 months ago #48497 by Manuel
Replied by Manuel on topic Re: Sensible Days 2008
Thanks all for this funny,crazy and unforgettable tournaments,i love play off-line.
I want just mention the funny and nice atmosphere that was in Pirmasen...the moments with my friends Luca(you won again!Congratulations my friends,hehe,you are strong and always concentrate in the goal area,after 2d place in the Amiga Torunament in last year,you brought at home an other medails and finally a great Gold CUP!)  and Sasy( friend!,congratulations for your good performance,you don t like PC SWOS,but fighted for Qualification to 16th of final,after many strong games,and about amiga Swos,you was little nervous(you could given more,i m trist for beated you in the 8th of final,thanks for a lot of smile,you are the captain of Italian Team and the most nice players on,i m sure that the next year you win,some medails!)...........are unforgettable,we supported ourself each other,always,them are my teacher of swos,and now my great friends,thanks you for a lot of smile ;) and support.
Then i greet,the Polish Team,you are simply fantastic!:D You given me a lot of nice moments :D in particoular FOKA,Bobbie,Romaneq,Lobo...but my favourite friend from Polska is Foka,Can i say it ?
Greetings to  Czech team,in particoular Geo,Marty(you are a great talent and could improved again,i respect you becouse are a really person and love swos) and particoular for your support in the Quarter of Final agaist Redhair.
Greetins to Dior and his girlfriend,you represented the spirit of SWOS!Thanks for this,we doesn t must forget this:the important are the funny moments with friends.
Greetings to Schulle :D ,you are very nice!I m happy for your 3d place in XBOX Tournament.
Greetings to Marin P.(you are strong and fair players,i lose two final agaist you...but the important is mine victory in the group,or not ?)...and i want greet also Dennis,becouse the game-test agaist him Friday were most important for my perfomance in the tournament.
Greeting to M.C.T.,you wasn t in form this year,but i m sure that you re-find your talent!And thanks for the photo at 6p.m. for Xbox tournament,you are timid but very nice!
Greetings to Insane and Mark,the most crazy players!You need more training and less beer!
Greetings to Johny,i suffered agaist you in 16 of final,i had fear on 0-0!
Greetinsg to TORPEDO,i m happy for your good performance!
Greetings to Playaveli,thanks for the crossing to aereoport,and for me was a honour play agaist you in the 8th of final to pc Swos,i hoped after 0-0 in the first game,but in the rematch you was very strong and Killed me!
Grettings to Pallister,i invidious your cold blood,maybe you don t know  what is the fear!
Greetings to Da Bomb,maybe you are nervous and didn t play very well like you can,but i love your strong stily and i m sure that you could do better!
Finally,greeting to RedHair,i m sorry for unpleasant episode in the Quarter of Final,but you given me a great satisfaction ;)...thanks for all organization,i know that it s a strong work,but this doesn t mean that you must win sure..i would always play with the same arms.Need transparency and fairplay about rules ;)...after our games i was nervous,this isn t funny,maybe i lost semifinal for this,i wasn t concentrate...but no problem,we must forget this!

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15 years 10 months ago #48498 by Foka
Replied by Foka on topic Re: Sensible Days 2008
First of all I would like to thank tournament organizers: Redhair, Playaveli, ELMichaJ and Oli O. You have done a great job and gave me opportunity to meet so many great people.
Secondly I would like to thank all polish players who went to World Cup. Cheers for being there together and showing that we can support each other and create terrific atmosphere
Now I would like to say some words about everyone who I met or had the opportunity to speak to again.
I will start with german team. First of all Pallister. I am glad that we forgot about that bad situation. Everything is OK now but it has to be like that because I have a big respect for people who put so much effort in SWOS like you, it was a pleasure to see you again.
Wanae and Jak. As I m a young father myself I watch it with a amazement when father and son share the same pasion. I hope Jak will be the best player in the world one day. Wanae I hope you get well soon.
HairFU I am so happy I could meet you at last and hope we see each other again during tournaments that we organize.
Schulle I wonder how much drink you can drink and still play well. I hope we will drink some polish beer in February, as agreed. :D
Playaveli - as always you were great, my friend.
It was totally awesome to speak to Italian SWOS Team. FORZA NAPOLI!! Lucaa your PC final was incredible. Together with Playa you played best SWOS game I ever saw. Manuel you got a bit too nervous after games vs Redhair, chill out ;). I It was good support Italy players. I sing with Manuel about grande Lucaa in final PC. Anyway I hope you all come to Wroclaw. Kurwa Masakra :D
During this weekend I had a chance to meet Aliciq. We were in a same group in Amiga tournament. I guess very soon he will be one of top 10 players. I find a situation with his brother funny. One of them supports Galatasaray and other Fenerbache. How come they can still like each other ;) heh. I m glad Aliciq learned beautiful polish word: kurva.
I have to write some words about bulgarian crew that drove 2000 km. It s just incredible. Marin you are a great player, I always knew that. I hope you will play online more often.
I was plesantly surprised with a number of participants from Czech Republic. Obviously, jus like our players they really enjoy offline tournaments. GEO and Marty finished a bit below par but I think they didn t say last word yet and next year they will fight for a PC final. Johny surprised me a lot when he knocked MCT out of PC tournament. I hope there will be even more of you in Wroclaw.
I didn t get a chance to speak to Dutch team apart from Rusty and his family. Greetings to all 3 of you.
From danish ISSA team I remember Asboy most who has beaten me in a PC tournament.
Thanks to all and see you next year. I hope to see a lot of you in Wroclaw. You are all heartily invited on behalf of all polish players.

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15 years 10 months ago - 15 years 10 months ago #48503 by Da Shredder
Replied by Da Shredder on topic Holland SWOS House @ Sensible Days 2008
Hey people,

I had a great weekend! It was my second time here (i was there too in 2005) and this year it was bigger and better! I ve talked with alot of guys and almost everybody was asking who was in my poule, but i wasn t playing ;D . Maybe next year..... I hope i understand the game, cause i never played it befor, lol :-X . And if i don t play next year, i certainly will try to be there as well! It s kind of holiday for me. in 2006 i was in Egypt for work and last year i had some argueing with my gf, so i couldn t come. It sucked bad times :( !

I was wondering: Who all took pics and vids on the event and where can i find them? I m curious bout how they are. I already found some pics of the event (thanks to this forum) but i want more ;D ! And i wonder when the videos of us (the Dutch guys) and other vids of this event will be shown on the internet. Post it here or send a message. I know we re crazy but we love to party and have fun ::) ! Thanks for the understanding and special thanks for the guys who joined us ;D !!! It was a great atmosphere. Keep it all that way!

I still wonder if some people still know the word Zwaffelen and the sentence Jök an t fasel ;D ...

Greetz and laterz,

Da Shredder.

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15 years 10 months ago #48504 by Manuel
Replied by Manuel on topic Re: Sensible Days 2008
I hope that i will come to Wroclaw,Foka...eheh,Kurwa Masakra!...Kurwaaaaa......yeah,in the semifinal agaist Bobbie,i was nervous and the strong support from Polish Team,have done the different ;) year i need Italian Hooligans :D

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15 years 10 months ago #48506 by Manuel
Replied by Manuel on topic Re: Sensible Days 2008

Hey people,

I had a great weekend! It was my second time here (i was there too in 2005) and this year it was bigger and better! I ve talked with alot of guys and almost everybody was asking who was in my poule, but i wasn t playing ;D . Maybe next year..... I hope i understand the game, cause i never played it befor, lol :-X . And if i don t play next year, i certainly will try to be there as well! It s kind of holiday for me. in 2006 i was in Egypt for work and last year i had some argueing with my gf, so i couldn t come. It sucked bad times :( !

I was wondering: Who all took pics and vids on the event and where can i find them? I m curious bout how they are. I already found some pics of the event (thanks to this forum) but i want more ;D ! And i wonder when the videos of us (the Dutch guys) and other vids of this event will be shown on the internet. Post it here or send a message. I know we re crazy but we love to party and have fun ::) ! Thanks for the understanding and special thanks for the guys who joined us ;D !!! It was a great atmosphere. Keep it all that way!

I still wonder if some people still know the word Zwaffelen and the sentence Jök an t fasel ;D ...

Greetz and laterz,

Da Shredder.

Hi Da Shredder,next year we want see you play ;)...and now go to play for training!

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15 years 10 months ago #48507 by Manuel
Replied by Manuel on topic Re: Sensible Days 2008
Foka,about your performance,you played very strong,and wasn t very far to win some medails,next year you will try again!But the important is showed the quality,and you have done it,congratulations for your strong style,was a honour for me played agaist you in the same group of PC Swos.

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