Sensible Days - Main Information Topic

2 years 5 months ago - 1 year 6 months ago #146175 by ElMichaJ
Sensible Days 2023 - Berlin Wandlitz, Germany
August 5 - 6

The official World Championships in Sensible World of Soccer 96-97 played on:
PC / Amiga

Tournament Links:
Amiga SWOS

Welcome to Berlin Wandlitz

2023 will be the 20th Edition of Sensible Days. Its crazy and I am very happy, that we are still ongoing. After Edition 10 in Berlin it is time again for Berlin (at least close to Berlin). So the Berlin Crew will try to organize again such a nice event like all the other years before.

But it was not easy to find something perfect, because Berlin is quite overbooked and very expensive next year.
So we decided to find something nice near to Berlin which is quite easy to reach and not so expensive too. But even now we had to break the lower limit of 125 to 150 €. It is not possible anymore for that amount....

So the main price will be 170 € for the full package of Bed, Lunches, Tournaments and some basic drinks package (20 drink tokens).

We will have some kind of Barkeeper(s) where use can use the tokens or buy some beers for 1€ to 1,50€ per half liter bottle.
If you are sure that you will drink more, you can buy 20 tokens for 17 € before the event. Drinking Flat is always hard to calculate and less drinkers dont need to pay for much drinkers. So please calculate a bit for yourself.

Pre Payment will be mandatory for all who need a bed. 1 Day guests just for the tournament without sleeping may pay at location, but I need to know if you want something to eat.

Main Organizer will be #1 ElMichaJ, but there will be a lot of local helpers as well (Bomb, Kindel and some externals)

Tournamet Fee:
A # Friday to Monday 170 € - including (20 beers or softdrinks, lunches, beds)
B # 1 Tourney + Lunch + Dinner + Drinks (5 tokens) 25 €

I need to think about how to handle players who need a bed, but less than 3 days. It depends a bit on the demand.
Each special offer will impact the whole calculation and make some higher risk at all.

special conditions of meals
All meals will be cooked and prepared by the venue cookers. Any special diet or allergic issues should be communicated to the admins.

Payment Details

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or send private message to elmichaj on discord, whatsapp, telegram or signal for IBAN Bank Data Details

Tournament Schedule
Friday 4th August
Arrival Day from 17:00. Meet and greet, maybe setup of first PCs

Saturday 5th August
10:30 Group Seedings
23:00 Tournament End

Sunday 6th August
10:30 Group Seedings
23:00 Tournament End

Monday 7th August
Leave until 11:00


07:00 - 09:30

12:00 - 13:30

18:00 - 19:30

Jugendherberge Wandlitz
Naturparadies am See

Prenzlauer Chaussee 146
16348  Wandlitz 

Location Link Google Maps

Transport by Train from BER Airport

List of Players and Status / Package (40 places)

1 ElMichaJAdminFull TimeYES1
2 BombAdminFull TimeYES1
3 SchullePlayerFull TimeYES7
4 PallisterPlayerFull TimeYES9
5 SemperFiPlayerFull TimeYES8
6 FRK PawelPlayerFull TimeYES6
7 FifkoPlayerFull TimeYES6
8 arcisasPlayerFull TimeYES8
9 LoboPlayerFull TimeYES2
10 RebelPlayerFull TimeYES4
11 ZaferPlayerFull TimeYES4
12 Spectrando77PlayerFull TimeYES4
13 rabbitPKKPlayerFull TimeYES8
14 DoTaPlayerFull TimeYES9
15 alvaroPlayerFull TimeYES6
16 RomanistaPlayerFull TimeYES10
17 DjowgerPlayerFull TimeYES5
18 AndibPlayerFull TimeYES5
19 KlarisPlayerFull TimeYES5
20 AndYpsilonPlayerFull TimeYES7
21 xfleaPlayerFull TimeYES3
22 dzemPlayerFull TimeYES3
23 BobbiebobrasPlayerFull TimeYES3
24 DiorPlayerFull TimeYES2
25 KindelooneyPlayerFull TimeYES9
26 romaneqPlayerFull TimeYES2
27 PlayaveliPlayerFull TimeYES7
28 BlazejPlayerFull TimeYES2
29 LeoninhoPlayerFull TimeYES6
30 SPIRPlayerFull TimeYES5
31 cinekPlayerFull TimeYES3
32 BADsosenPlayerFull TimeYES8
33 TheologisticPlayerFull TimeYES4
34 ThomasPlayerFull TimeYES7
35 JuniorPC PlayerFriday to SundayYES10
36 Junior JuniorChildFriday to SundayYES10
37 RocknRollKrautsalat-Cup/AdminFull TimeYES11
38 RosefireKrautsalat-CupFull TimeYES11
39 childVisitorFull TimeYES11
40 ChildVisitorFull TimeYES11
45 Marin ParushevPlayerSat&Sun TournamentsYESExternal
46 andreaselsnerPlayerSat&Sun TournamentsYESExternal
47 jonah01PlayerSundayYESExternal


Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!
Last edit: 1 year 6 months ago by ElMichaJ.

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2 years 5 months ago #146207 by ElMichaJ
schulle confirmed

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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2 years 5 months ago #146208 by Schulle
20 years! Amazing! I am in for sure.

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2 years 4 months ago #146224 by Rebel
I'm in, friday to monday full!

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2 years 4 months ago #146228 by Bomb
also in of course! will pay as fast as possible

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1 year 11 months ago #146503 by ElMichaJ
Player List updated now. will check for some more options at location soon

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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1 year 10 months ago #146512 by Bomb

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1 year 10 months ago #146518 by ElMichaJ
17 places left now

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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1 year 10 months ago #146525 by ElMichaJ
13 places left for booking

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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1 year 10 months ago #146526 by ElMichaJ
we have 10 rooms of 4 people ... so colin and his family got room no. 10.

feel free to write wishes about favorite roommates ^^

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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