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- Sensible Days - SWOS World Cup
- Sensible Days 2024 Billund
- Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
1 year 3 months ago - 6 months 3 weeks ago #146733
by djowGer
Sensible Days 2024 - Billund, Denmark
July 27 - 28
The official World Championships in Sensible World of Soccer 96-97 played on:
PC / Amiga
Tournament Links:
Amiga SWOS
Welcome to Sensible Days 2024
This will be the 3rd time that the world cup of Sensible World of Soccer will be held in Denmark. Just as the previous editions in 2014 and 2018, the danish organizers are Klaris, djowGer and Andib, and the location is once again Grenelejren in Billund. The location is a very suitable place for the event, with no problems with noise pollution or neighbors. There is a total of 44 sleeping places, and plenty of room around the house if you want to use the shelters or bring your own tent or caravan. It is very easy to come by car and for people arriving at the Billund Airport or the city by plane, bus or train, we can arrange pick-ups by car. The location has all we need for the weekend, and the food will be a mix of traditional danish food made by Klaris. The food and drinks will be an all-in-one package. Drinks is flatrate, and there will be 3 main meals during one day. Along with this we will buy some snacks, and make it possible to make toasts, sandwiches in between the big meals. If you attended the previous editions you can expect somewhat of a repeat with the roasted pig and tapped beer among the highlights.
Please note that the AMIGA tournament will take place on saturday and the PC on sunday.
Sign-up and payment
As some rooms are smaller and offer more privacy, we have made a few different options for signing up just as in 2014/2018. As always, a pre-payment is needed to join the event. This also means the first ones to pay, are also the first to pick their desired room.
An overview of the the rooms can be seen HERE
Room 1 has 2 beds
Rooms 2-4 offers 3 beds
Rooms 6-7 offers 9 bunkbeds each
Room 8 offers 15 bunkbeds
All weekend
Option 1: 170€ - A bed in one of the smaller rooms, a total of 8 meals, free drinks and both tournament fees included. - 0 places left
Option 2: 150€ - A bed in one of the bigger rooms, a total of 8 meals, free drinks and both tournament fees included. - 33 places left
Option 3: 130€ - No bed, but you can sleep in the shelters, your own tent, or caravan outside, a total of 8 meals, free drinks and both tournament fees included.
One day
Option 4: 80€ - No bed (only if still available), 3 meals, free drinks and tournament fee for PC or Amiga included.
To sign up for the event. Contact organizer andib for payment details on one of the following ways:
- 0045 2857 8848 (Phone/Whatsapp)
- facebook.com/andreas.b.ibsen
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address of Grenelejren
Annexvej 5 D (7 is more correct for entrance road)
7190 Billund
Google maps help: grenelejren.dk/beliggenhed/
If you travel by public transport such as plane/bus/train to Billund, please let us know if you need a lift or help with transportation. Below is a small overview of "important" distances to the location.
Distances to nearest places
Billund City 4 km
Billund Airport 9 km
Legoland 7 km
LaLandia Billund 8 km
Vejle 36 km
German/Danish border 130 km
Web and Galleries
The location website in danish - grenelejren.dk
Location photos inside - grenelejren.dk/fotos-indenfor/
Location photos outside - grenelejren.dk/fotos-udenfor/
Galleries and photos from the previous events in 2014 and 2018
Days 2014 Facebook photoalbum: www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1049744645103289&type=3
Days 2018 Facebook photoalbum: www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1761720400572373&type=3
Days 2018 gallery from Romanista: www.flickr.com/photos/romanista/albums/72157697705437054
Days 2018 gallery from the Polish crew: photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPJ7jGwlw-D...SDFNYi1TWWctSWU5ZG1n
Days 2018 gallery from the german crew: photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOsawDkiLqv...ZDNCTGVTWVhBV2JvVzJn
Days 2018 gallery from Lobo: photos.app.goo.gl/vSzSmLyWNDmN7fYF8
Event Schedule
Friday 26/7: Arrival day. Meets and greets. Location is open from around 14
Saturday 27/7: AMIGA tournament starts around 12. A small side tournament will be held sometime in the afternoon. Probably Classic Sensible or XBLA.
Sunday 28/7: PC tournament starts around 12. A small side tournament will be held sometime in the afternoon. Probably Classic Sensible or XBLA.
Monday 29/7: Breakfast and farewells. People need to leave before 12.
Format and rules
The following rules are the same for both (AMIGA) (PC). Only difference is the tactics and KO rules.
- 1st Group stage with groups played as DIY leagues. A maximum of 7-8 players will usually be placed in each group. The expected number of groups are 4-8. The format might differ depending on number of players.
- 2nd Group stage will decide the final seedings for the knockout rounds, which will consist of group winners, runner-ups, etc. and of 2nd chance groups with players fighting for the final spots in the knockout. For those players that don't make it to the knockout rounds we also play the optional fun cup known as onion/cucumber/bacon tournament. They play for their own trophy.
- 3rd stage in the tournament is the Knockout rounds, played as DIY cup and will consist of usually 16-24 players.
Players are placed in groups by drawing from pots made from placements on the ss.de offline / online rankings by the SWOS veterans and organizers.
Any original team from SWOS 96-97 may be chosen, and edited through Edited Custom Teams menu, to add a personal touch to your team (names and colors).
For base we will use the online save disk. A custom teams and tactics thread will be created later on.
Pitch Type:
Always random (pressing ESC to get a new pitch, only if both players agree). If both players agree to play on a specific pitch this is fine too.
Free of choice. Feel free to bring your own controller. Also there will be various controllers present at the tournament.
Home player advantage :
The home player may pick his seat position first if he wants to.
Other gameplay rules:
Players are not allowed to press R , S , SPACE , F9 ESC during a game unless agreed upon amongst the two players.
Number of substitutes for each match is 5 of 5.
Gametime / options:
In the group stage 2 games will be played vs each player ( home and away match) - 1 match lasts 3 mins. Groupstage options:
Specific AMIGA rules:
Amiga KO-rounds: 2 x 3 min, no ET, no penalties!
- If it s a draw another 2 games have to be played!
- If they also end in a draw (no extratime!!!) on agg. a penalty shootout will take place!
(tactic rule for Amiga makes this mode mandatory, see below!)
Special tactic rule for Amiga:
The home player (the first player of a fixture Home vs. Guest ) is allowed to use a custom tactic. If he does that the guest player is also allowed to load a custom tactic! If the home player doesn t use a custom tactic, the guest is not allowed to use a custom tactic.
If a custom tactic is chosen by the home player his opponent may use any available tactic on the disc if he hasn t got his own (except the one from opponent if he does not agree, unless he is not the creator of it)!
Optional: Players agree between themselves! (eg.: both games with tactic, or both games without) However, only 1 tactic may be loaded pr. game by each player!
Specific PC rules:
PC KO-rounds: 2 legs, ET if replay, penalties if replay!
- On PC custom tactics are allowed in every match without any restrictions! However, only 1 tactic may be loaded pr. game by each player!
List of former champions:
Contact info of organizers
If you have any questions regarding the event please feel free to contact the organizers. Contact information can be seen below.
Simon Klaris Klaris / 0045 2814 4333
- Tournament admin, Food/drink responsible
Andreas andib Ibsen / 0045 2857 8848 (whatsapp) / facebook.com/andreas.b.ibsen
- Save Disk Admin, Transport, Tournament admin
Poul djowGer Olsen / 0045 2623 7107 (whatsapp) / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / facebook.com/pmko83 / pm on discord
- Hardware, Tournament admin
Players signed-up
Confirmed players (Payments received)
Sensible Days 2024 - Billund was created by djowGer
Sensible Days 2024 - Billund, Denmark
July 27 - 28
The official World Championships in Sensible World of Soccer 96-97 played on:
PC / Amiga
Tournament Links:
Amiga SWOS
Welcome to Sensible Days 2024
This will be the 3rd time that the world cup of Sensible World of Soccer will be held in Denmark. Just as the previous editions in 2014 and 2018, the danish organizers are Klaris, djowGer and Andib, and the location is once again Grenelejren in Billund. The location is a very suitable place for the event, with no problems with noise pollution or neighbors. There is a total of 44 sleeping places, and plenty of room around the house if you want to use the shelters or bring your own tent or caravan. It is very easy to come by car and for people arriving at the Billund Airport or the city by plane, bus or train, we can arrange pick-ups by car. The location has all we need for the weekend, and the food will be a mix of traditional danish food made by Klaris. The food and drinks will be an all-in-one package. Drinks is flatrate, and there will be 3 main meals during one day. Along with this we will buy some snacks, and make it possible to make toasts, sandwiches in between the big meals. If you attended the previous editions you can expect somewhat of a repeat with the roasted pig and tapped beer among the highlights.
Please note that the AMIGA tournament will take place on saturday and the PC on sunday.
Sign-up and payment
As some rooms are smaller and offer more privacy, we have made a few different options for signing up just as in 2014/2018. As always, a pre-payment is needed to join the event. This also means the first ones to pay, are also the first to pick their desired room.
An overview of the the rooms can be seen HERE
Room 1 has 2 beds
Rooms 2-4 offers 3 beds
Rooms 6-7 offers 9 bunkbeds each
Room 8 offers 15 bunkbeds
All weekend
Option 1: 170€ - A bed in one of the smaller rooms, a total of 8 meals, free drinks and both tournament fees included. - 0 places left
Option 2: 150€ - A bed in one of the bigger rooms, a total of 8 meals, free drinks and both tournament fees included. - 33 places left
Option 3: 130€ - No bed, but you can sleep in the shelters, your own tent, or caravan outside, a total of 8 meals, free drinks and both tournament fees included.
One day
Option 4: 80€ - No bed (only if still available), 3 meals, free drinks and tournament fee for PC or Amiga included.
To sign up for the event. Contact organizer andib for payment details on one of the following ways:
- 0045 2857 8848 (Phone/Whatsapp)
- facebook.com/andreas.b.ibsen
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address of Grenelejren
Annexvej 5 D (7 is more correct for entrance road)
7190 Billund
Google maps help: grenelejren.dk/beliggenhed/
If you travel by public transport such as plane/bus/train to Billund, please let us know if you need a lift or help with transportation. Below is a small overview of "important" distances to the location.
Distances to nearest places
Billund City 4 km
Billund Airport 9 km
Legoland 7 km
LaLandia Billund 8 km
Vejle 36 km
German/Danish border 130 km
Web and Galleries
The location website in danish - grenelejren.dk
Location photos inside - grenelejren.dk/fotos-indenfor/
Location photos outside - grenelejren.dk/fotos-udenfor/
Galleries and photos from the previous events in 2014 and 2018
Days 2014 Facebook photoalbum: www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1049744645103289&type=3
Days 2018 Facebook photoalbum: www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1761720400572373&type=3
Days 2018 gallery from Romanista: www.flickr.com/photos/romanista/albums/72157697705437054
Days 2018 gallery from the Polish crew: photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPJ7jGwlw-D...SDFNYi1TWWctSWU5ZG1n
Days 2018 gallery from the german crew: photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOsawDkiLqv...ZDNCTGVTWVhBV2JvVzJn
Days 2018 gallery from Lobo: photos.app.goo.gl/vSzSmLyWNDmN7fYF8
Event Schedule
Friday 26/7: Arrival day. Meets and greets. Location is open from around 14
Saturday 27/7: AMIGA tournament starts around 12. A small side tournament will be held sometime in the afternoon. Probably Classic Sensible or XBLA.
Sunday 28/7: PC tournament starts around 12. A small side tournament will be held sometime in the afternoon. Probably Classic Sensible or XBLA.
Monday 29/7: Breakfast and farewells. People need to leave before 12.
Format and rules
The following rules are the same for both (AMIGA) (PC). Only difference is the tactics and KO rules.
- 1st Group stage with groups played as DIY leagues. A maximum of 7-8 players will usually be placed in each group. The expected number of groups are 4-8. The format might differ depending on number of players.
- 2nd Group stage will decide the final seedings for the knockout rounds, which will consist of group winners, runner-ups, etc. and of 2nd chance groups with players fighting for the final spots in the knockout. For those players that don't make it to the knockout rounds we also play the optional fun cup known as onion/cucumber/bacon tournament. They play for their own trophy.
- 3rd stage in the tournament is the Knockout rounds, played as DIY cup and will consist of usually 16-24 players.
Players are placed in groups by drawing from pots made from placements on the ss.de offline / online rankings by the SWOS veterans and organizers.
Any original team from SWOS 96-97 may be chosen, and edited through Edited Custom Teams menu, to add a personal touch to your team (names and colors).
For base we will use the online save disk. A custom teams and tactics thread will be created later on.
Pitch Type:
Always random (pressing ESC to get a new pitch, only if both players agree). If both players agree to play on a specific pitch this is fine too.
Free of choice. Feel free to bring your own controller. Also there will be various controllers present at the tournament.
Home player advantage :
The home player may pick his seat position first if he wants to.
Other gameplay rules:
Players are not allowed to press R , S , SPACE , F9 ESC during a game unless agreed upon amongst the two players.
Number of substitutes for each match is 5 of 5.
Gametime / options:
In the group stage 2 games will be played vs each player ( home and away match) - 1 match lasts 3 mins. Groupstage options:
Specific AMIGA rules:
Amiga KO-rounds: 2 x 3 min, no ET, no penalties!
- If it s a draw another 2 games have to be played!
- If they also end in a draw (no extratime!!!) on agg. a penalty shootout will take place!
(tactic rule for Amiga makes this mode mandatory, see below!)
Special tactic rule for Amiga:
The home player (the first player of a fixture Home vs. Guest ) is allowed to use a custom tactic. If he does that the guest player is also allowed to load a custom tactic! If the home player doesn t use a custom tactic, the guest is not allowed to use a custom tactic.
If a custom tactic is chosen by the home player his opponent may use any available tactic on the disc if he hasn t got his own (except the one from opponent if he does not agree, unless he is not the creator of it)!
Optional: Players agree between themselves! (eg.: both games with tactic, or both games without) However, only 1 tactic may be loaded pr. game by each player!
Specific PC rules:
PC KO-rounds: 2 legs, ET if replay, penalties if replay!
- On PC custom tactics are allowed in every match without any restrictions! However, only 1 tactic may be loaded pr. game by each player!
List of former champions:
| |
Blazej | 2023 | Blazej |
Blazej | 2022 | Blazej |
Blazej | 2021 | lobo |
Blazej | 2020 | Blazej |
Blazej | 2019 | Blazej |
Blazej | 2018 | Blazej |
Blazej | 2017 | Blazej |
Blazej | 2016 | Blazej |
Playaveli | 2015 | Blazej |
Marin Parushev | 2014 | djowGer |
Playaveli | 2013 | Ali |
Playaveli | 2012 | Ali |
Blazej | 2011 | Hawkz |
Foka | 2010 | Marin Parushev |
Manuel | 2009 | Playaveli |
Lucaa83 | 2008 | Lobo |
Playaveli | 2007 | Playaveli |
Redhair | 2006 | Playaveli |
Playaveli | 2005 | Redhair |
Greg | 2004 | Obi-Wan |
Contact info of organizers
If you have any questions regarding the event please feel free to contact the organizers. Contact information can be seen below.
Simon Klaris Klaris / 0045 2814 4333
- Tournament admin, Food/drink responsible
Andreas andib Ibsen / 0045 2857 8848 (whatsapp) / facebook.com/andreas.b.ibsen
- Save Disk Admin, Transport, Tournament admin
Poul djowGer Olsen / 0045 2623 7107 (whatsapp) / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / facebook.com/pmko83 / pm on discord
- Hardware, Tournament admin
Players signed-up
Confirmed players (Payments received)
1 | Klaris | Admin | All weekend - Option 3 | Outside |
2 | andib | Admin | All weekend - Option 3 | Outside |
3 | djowGer | Admin | All weekend - Option 3 | Outside |
4 | SemperFi | Player | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 2-4 |
5 | RabbitPKK | Player | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 2-4 |
6 | ElMichaJ | Admin | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
7 | Pallister | Player | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 1 |
8 | Chris | Supporter | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 1 |
9 | Xflea | Player | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 2-4 |
10 | Rebel | Player | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 2-4 |
11 | Romanista | Player | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 2-4 |
12 | AndYpsilon | Player | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 2-4 |
13 | Klinki | Player | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 2-4 |
14 | Theologistic | Player | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 2-4 |
15 | M4rk | Player | All weekend - Option 3 | Outside |
16 | lobo | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
17 | Børge Eiland | Player | One Day (Saturday) - Option 4 | Outside |
18 | Børge Eiland Junior | Supporter | One Day (Saturday) - Option 4 | Outside |
19 | FRK Pawel | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
20 | Fifko | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
21 | Swoozh | Player | All weekend - Option 3 | Outside |
22 | wugbaspin | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
23 | boesjesman | Player | All weekend - Option 3 | Outside |
24 | silmurdk | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
25 | thd79 | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
26 | dior | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
27 | Spir | Player | All weekend - Option 3 | Outside |
28 | Andreaselsner | Player | All weekend - Option 1 | Room 2-4 |
29 | Romaneq | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
30 | dzem | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
31 | kindelooney | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
32 | Blazej | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
33 | Zafer | Player | All weekend - Option 3 | Outside |
34 | Bobbiebobras | Player | All weekend - Option 2 | Room 6-8 |
35 | ||||
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Last edit: 6 months 3 weeks ago by djowGer.
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1 year 3 months ago #146746
by djowGer
Replied by djowGer on topic Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
SemperFi, RabbitPKK, ElMichaJ, Pallister & Chris (supporter) confirmed for Sensi Days

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1 year 3 months ago #146747
by djowGer
Replied by djowGer on topic Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
Xflea, Rebel and Romanista also confirmed
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1 year 2 months ago #146748
by andib
Replied by andib on topic Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
Klinki and AndYpsilon confirmed
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1 year 2 months ago #146756
by djowGer
Replied by djowGer on topic Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
Theologistic also confirmed, so no more spaces left in the small rooms. There are still 33 places left in the other rooms
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1 year 3 weeks ago #146839
by djowGer
Replied by djowGer on topic Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
M4rk signed up! So far 14 players and 1 supporter are ready for the Sensi World Cup in Denmark. We are looking forward to meeting you all in Billund this summer!
If you are a new to the community, and consider joining but have some doubts about conditions for sleeping, food allergies, or the actual tournaments, please let us know, as we will be happy to help. Contact information is mentioned in the main thread.
Especially if you come by plane, you might be needing some stuff for sleeping, like bedsheets, linens, pillow, sleepings bag etc. We can help out with this to a certain point.
If you are a new to the community, and consider joining but have some doubts about conditions for sleeping, food allergies, or the actual tournaments, please let us know, as we will be happy to help. Contact information is mentioned in the main thread.
Especially if you come by plane, you might be needing some stuff for sleeping, like bedsheets, linens, pillow, sleepings bag etc. We can help out with this to a certain point.
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1 year 2 weeks ago #146845
by crom1
Replied by crom1 on topic Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
I'm going to look for connections from Seville to see what I can find and it won't be too expensive.
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1 year 20 hours ago #146852
by djowGer
Replied by djowGer on topic Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
Nice to hear Crom. Maybe check out Hamburg Airport in north Germany. Perhaps someone travelling by car could pick you up if the timing is right. But flights to Billund would be easier for us, but we know it is probably not the cheapest. Really hope you and others from Spain can join us.
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10 months 2 weeks ago #146885
by djowGer
Replied by djowGer on topic Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
Swoozh also joins the fun 
Roughly four months left!

Roughly four months left!
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10 months 2 days ago #146891
by djowGer
Replied by djowGer on topic Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
Ben aka wugbaspin from the UK is the latest addition to the Sensi days family!
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- Sensible Days - SWOS World Cup
- Sensible Days 2024 Billund
- Sensible Days 2024 - Billund
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