Re: "SWOS United" or "The future of"

13 years 9 months ago #88747 by Rock and Roll
Nice :).

As long as we know where to send the money :D.

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13 years 9 months ago - 13 years 9 months ago #88795 by FLegby
btw sensi days, it would be so great to have some coverage on this very major event of the year.

this year we failed to attend, but I d love to watch the venue, and some games LIVE online with some strem, like ESL does for other games (even if I have to pay to watch)

you should check ESL or SK-gaming and other sites what to they give to premium members, maybe they have some good idea to implement for

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13 years 9 months ago #88812 by Retrieving
my sensidays entry fee+room money went to the website fund last year since I withdrew from the competition the day before it started, I think I should be given supporter status by default once it goes live! ;D

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13 years 2 months ago #100018 by Rock and Roll

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13 years 2 months ago #100077 by ElMichaJ
i am sorry ... that soon is not really soon ...

but its hard time for me at the moment ...

but if you want to take a look just use this ...

you cant register .... but i can do a test account for you :)

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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13 years 2 months ago #100109 by Rock and Roll
You don t have to be sorry mate, real life sometimes doesn t understand the true importance of SWOS :).

To be honest I meant the club / membership, but (just like everyone else) I m looking forward to the new website.
Hopefully with new ranking calculations (which give all English/Dutch players an unfair ranking bonus :D).

If you need help testing stuff, I m good at making mega mistakes for you to solve :D.

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13 years 1 month ago #100658 by Rock and Roll
Any news on the club / membership?

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13 years 1 month ago #101239 by Rock and Roll
No news I suppose................

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13 years 1 month ago #101422 by ElMichaJ
i hope we can start with 1st of july...

so that we got membership for a half year ... = 5 €
and then every year 10 €

but payment is not included in beta yet, but i will try to do as soon as possible ...

maybe in 2 or three parts

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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13 years 1 month ago - 13 years 1 month ago #101428 by Retrieving
what are people going to get for shelling out money? It d be cool if we could rent out a custom teams spot that way, something like that!

Is this legal by the way? Although the website is its own entity you re basically making money off of a game that afaik is neither abandonware nor shareware.

I d like a beta account tho! :)

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