Re: "SWOS United" or "The future of"

15 years 4 months ago - 15 years 4 months ago #58117 by Wänä81

If you support us, we will support you, regarding SWOS:
- Member card (not sure yet how it will look like, simple or with photo)
- Some webspace for your personal SWOS site or regional community
- Of course a nice eMail address

.. shouldn t be a problem yet, other things could be possible in future (with more members), like printed magazines

I think , this is not enough. We need more incentive.

We need parts of the sites , forum and main-site, where only paying members have the permission to use. For example the event -master or the event-manager..if somebody will use that, he must be a member and paying xxx Euro , otherwise he cannot organize a cup on website.

That´s only an hit me ;D


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15 years 4 months ago #58120 by daimaou

We need parts of the sites , forum and main-site, who only have paying members the permission to use. For example the event -master or the event-manager..if somebody will use that, he must be a member and paying xxx Euro , otherwise he cannot organize a cup on website.

I don t agree fully with this, I agree with Member-only forum boards but not the event manager. Organizing events is already a way of supporting the site. Those (few) who do it are putting a lot of effort and their spare time into it, doesn t make any sense that they would have to pay extra to do it while the rest of the members could play on those tournaments for free! Basically you would have the work to organize a tournament and then you d even have to pay for doing it, while the rest of the players had no work at all and could play it for free. This looks like a bad example for me sorry :P
Regular member only competitions could be an incentive on the other hand for people to join the club.

As far as I m concerned if I need to pay to help the site to improve or even keep it running, sure count me in. Also if my help is required on something related to the site just ask, whatever you need just ask, if I can help I will of course, like I ve been doing till now.
I think this site and it s system is already great, but can be improved largely, I have ideas like surely lots of you also have, big problem is there are only 1 or 2 persons coding for it with very limited time so it s totally understandable that it s hard to make big changes, with a larger developing team things could be made much better. Of course building a bigger team of persons with the required skills, liking swos, working for free and being reliable isn t something easy to do :)

About the club creation, it s really not important to me, if it is the only or best way to make the site improve or keep it running then go ahead with it you have my support.
I agree with Redhair about a bigger international club of course, but not sure how big this could be as we are a small community and most of our members are here only to play, so I have some doubts about how many would join and stay for a long time in a paying club.

Finally I don t know what kind of setup you have, but lately the site is having some performance problems indeed and if you re paying that much I think you can probably find better and cheaper alternatives.

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15 years 4 months ago #58123 by Redhair
What we don t like is a two-class society - the fanclub members on one side and the players on the other. So, to reduce event manager just to paying members is maybe not the right way I think. The question is: Is it realistic to reach a club with 50 or more members? Another problem is that more money could increase expections and this would also increase the difference between paying and non-paying members. A better and cheaper alternative for the current servers should be possible and we are hopefully on the right way now. We are just a private website and for that we are a big community, with members who have expections which are not always easy to fulfill, as we could experience. But even ourself have expections to our project which are also not easy to fulfill. The community was and is growing and to stay alive we need to upgrade to system or no one is really satisfied. So what to do? I think it must be possible to work together with all members who are really interested in that project to give it a future. And we are already a SWOS fanclub, if only a free internet fanclub. So why not expand it with a real fanclub with cards and stuff? It s not like that we are only in chats together anymore, we are also together in real life, so a real club would make sense I think. And it s normal that members of a real club pay a little fee to be a member, to keep up the club with its actions. With the money we can realise our ideas, for the beginning a reliable data center and a network for SWOS freaks.

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15 years 4 months ago #58124 by Wänä81
Alternative is for me then, that only paying members can use the website to enter ooo-results, take part on leagues, cup and so on .

This was for free since exists! But it´s not longer possible, if i´m right, Something must change. If everyone who take part in leagues,cups and ooo, would pay 50 Cent per month, then we have no problems anymore i think ...

btw. i don´t see any suggestions for the problem from you daimaou ;)

Better that way , otherwise we must search for a new platform to play our beloved game, or we all buy a X-BOX :-\

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15 years 4 months ago #58126 by Redhair
Well, another possibility is to give the project out of our hands to people who are willing to pay the server costs etc. But is this what we worked for? ElMichaJ and me started in 2001 to create with small expections. Although exceeded by far we want to keep control somehow. Closing the site is also no option. Reducing the members just to people who pay would help, of course. But I really don t like that idea. The more people playing SWOS the better because we love it and that s why we do it and there is a social aspect too, no doubt.

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15 years 4 months ago #58128 by daimaou

Alternative is for me then, that only paying members can use the website to enter ooo-results, take part on leagues, cup and so on .

Maybe I m wrong but if this happens the number of players would reduce drastically and the community will be split apart. My suggestion was making some club members only tournaments perhaps with some interesting bonus, that might catch the attention of some extra players to join. Turning the site into a full pay site don t think would help.

But those who are really interested on helping would pay anyway, those who aren t probably won t either way. Everyone can afford paying 1 euro per month I think, but for everyone to actually pay them is a completely different story... I don t think such drastic measures are needed, at least not yet.

More suggestions?

SWOS Clans and Tag Team Tournaments, this was spoken before and is the thing I d mostly like to see here, but I assume by lack of time was never fully implemented. If this could be done it could be available to club members only and just leave normal modes to non-paying members. I m sure some other extras could be added as well. This would make it interesting to join the club, while still being possible to play on normal modes for free.

And Redhair is right too, after people are paying their expectations will raise and it might not be too easy to cope with that.

I also have no idea on how much is needed every month... are we talking of 20EUR? 50EUR? 500EUR? Different amounts would require different solutions obviously.

I have some doubts that we could join 50 paying members, I think you could open a thread about it and message everyone on the site to post there if they are willing to pay just to have an idea.

PS : Giving the site away is not an option of course, but would be a good idea to gather a group of reliable members expose your projects to the future and see who could help you out with what, technically, financially, etc. maybe someone can even get you a good deal with server hosting, you never know.

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15 years 4 months ago #58260 by Wänä81
seems that noone is interested in this ...pity

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15 years 4 months ago #58277 by Redhair

seems that noone is interested in this ...pity

Seems so :(
So the new servers have to be cheap. We are thankful to d1g who is securing the server from attacks, like in the past. We would never be able to pay someone like him. Changing from server to some kind of webspace is almost impossible because of the amount of data we have to organize. The club will exist as we founded it with a few members and we will try to find the happy medium for As long the members are happy with the existing site, we should not continue with working on current site as the code is old and chaotic. We should save our valuable time for a new project. My idea is a club site which should be able to replace on some day. Main goal is to reduce the functions of to the basics for a better performance and to add exclusive features for SWOS UTD members to be worth the money. So everyone can take part on all competitions and the paying members will get the full version with all stats and gimmicks.

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15 years 4 months ago #58318 by RobChef
Some more information might help, as not everybody is a webmaster.

Maybe somebody could help you to find a new server if he would know what exactly needs or hopes to find.

Some numbers might help people to imagine what the website now costs. And what a better version would cost.

And the improvements ... well probably better to keep it low there. I think there are a lot of suggestions already in the forum, I personally would prefer some of them instead of a member card or an email-address.

Founding a club is an idea which should help as there are laws about what clubs are allowed to do and what not. Maybe we should say people that there is no way to take away money from the club for other things. There will be club meetings by law and a financial report. Then the members vote if the board did what they were told or on future actions of the board. Or that if the club dies nobody can take money, the money goes to the government. Of course you can swos-party it away before that. ;) Also you have to go to the court of your city as they wanna know who s in the board and responsible for it.
What I am sayin is that in germany founding a club is not just words, it s a very official and protected thing. Some people might not know stuff like that.

If you give more information, you probably get more people who have an opinion.

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15 years 4 months ago - 15 years 4 months ago #58481 by honk96
I think it is importent that people wich are new  are able to play  without paying. Everybody who is reading that he have to pay would think first that there are people wich are intressted to make money.
Friendly games should be for free.Members are allowed to play cups leage and offline tournaments .
The first month should be for free to test.After this month everybody could decided to pay for play or don´t stay :-)
I dont know but if it is possible to control that nobody registy every month with an other name and so play for free!!! Is it??
Newcommer are proud too!!! So we don´t shock  them with money from the first game.
Here are so many fans and we should be all able to get enough money to make it work on !!! Everybody a little...many litty ... enough little :-)

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