FIFA 10 - Inferior SWOS clone - Online disaster....

14 years 2 months ago #82956 by Rock and Roll
Rock s been busy doing, well, a lot of stuff. Work, work, and messing around with his main pc.
Not a lot of time for a good SWOS-session (SWOS is a sport, not a game :)), so I went for something
way less realistic etc.....time to install my Xmas present....FIFA 10 on the PC.

For people who complain about desynch/lag etc. with SWOS...well it s nothing compared to FIFA :).
Just google FIFA 10 online crash ...
To be able to play a game online I first have to start an offline match, kickoff, exit then goto online.
Click online ranked match and then hope an opponent wants to play you (and the game doesn t crash....).

OK, so everybody seems to be Chelsea, or Barca, or AC/Inter Milan (except Rock who plays with Sunderland/Everton and Man Utd).
I know we have the same problem in SWOS but why have all these teams when people only use 3????

Results so far (not counting two games in which my opponent penalty of course just an increased did not finish percentage.
Man, that really hurts these online cheats.. First game it happened I was leading 4-1 in the 77th minute when my opponent just quit..
doesn t count as a win of course....:(. Second game I was 1-0 up at half-time :(. At least give me the win guys!!!!):

1-4, 2-5, 0-3, 0-4, 0-4, 0-2, 2-0, 0-4, 1-1, 4-5 (yep, I suck even worse than at SWOS :D).

Last two matches I actually enjoyed (even though it s FIFA) the 1-1 I equalized in injury time (guy was doing all kinds of tricks with
Ronaldinho, really rubbing it in, then he lost the ball :D). The 4-5 was insane. 0-2 at half time, I pulled it back to 2-2 in the 65th minute.
Stooopid lag 2-3, 3-3 in the 81st. 3-4 in the 85th then 4-4 in the 89th and a sweet goal conceded in injury time. I lost, but it was almost
fun (it s still FIFA guys :)).

Maybe the online thing can be a laugh, but it s way too buggy for me. I also refuse to use more than 3 fire-buttons, and refuse to try
the 1000 tricks in the game (which is why I like SWOS...a real man s game :D). The be-a-pro thing where you play for whichever club
team you want and try to get selected for your national squad and captain them in the World Cup is alright but way too easy (I chose to
play at Port Vale - lowest tier of English professional football...and still got selected for the Dutch team after just playing 1 game....).

Anyone ever tried FIFA (online)?

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14 years 2 months ago #82967 by xflea
playing FIFA!!!

bad bad boy!!!


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14 years 2 months ago - 14 years 2 months ago #82970 by Retrieving
I assume that you ve been playing the PC version, right?

Well, that s the low-budget, unsupported version which runs on an obsolete engine developed years wonder it sucks.

The PS3/X360 versions are great gameplay wise (not as good as SWOS obviously but still quite the game), especially on Manual settings (total freedom in passing, shooting, etc.) and the online is nearly flawless and basically lagless (due to EA setting up dedicated servers).

I ve been running FIFA 10 leagues since last November on several message boards/websites and I recently joined a full-manual players community (I usually play as either Cruzeiro or Albinoleffe seeing as only 2,5~3,5 stars teams are allowed) and lemme tell ya, it s been lots of fun.

Also, a new, improved version dedicated to the World Cup is about to get released (bigger pitches, more animations, upgraded players AI, new PK system in place of the crippled, previous one, etc.) if I were you, I wouldn t write it off so easily just because it s contemporary stuff.

I ve been playing football games since the Commodore 64/MSX era and I made a point throughout the years to go out of my way to test them all (how many people on here have played Epoch s Excite Stage, Namco s Football Kingdom or Sega s Victory Goal? Not many probably...) in an attempt to scavenge and collect the best ones despite of the limitations imposed back then by the territorial lock-out and I can safely say that aside from a few timeless classics such as SWOS (which is, in fact, my favourite videogame of all time and on a league of its own as far as soccer games go :D), FIFA 10 (PS3) is the best modern footie game I ve played thus far out of them all. Truly an electronic entertainment masterpiece.

Let me quote myself from another thread for reference:

FIFA is fawking amazing this year, I ve been one of the biggest detractors of the series up until now but boy, did they get this right this time around.

Basically, it flows like Football Kingdom, controls better than Winning Eleven, plays like a sim, looks (finally) like a true next-gen title and most importantly it s unbelievably fun in multiplayer (whether it s online - there s no lag whatsoever btw - or in local with your friends). Presentation and players characterization are still lacking but who cares honestly, the gameplay s so good I ll gladly turn a blind eye at that.

A def cop if you own a PS3 or a 360, I m loving every minute of it.









I also refuse to use more than 3 fire-buttons, and refuse to try
the 1000 tricks in the game

I don t really get this.

FIFA 10 controls are pretty straight-forward and not even nearly as convoluted as, say, RPG, 1Vs.1 Beat em up (Street Fighter III, IV, Virtua Fighter and so forth) or action game ones (The Metal Gear Solid series comes to mind lol). Do ya ll seriously not play anything but SWOS or games from the 16-bit period? Geez, last time a controller had just 1 fire button was like what...20 years ago? Game design has evolved quite a lot since then and even though we ve had our fair share of crappy and overly complicated games, that hasn t necessarily been a negative occurrence.

Have you ever played Mario 64? Friggin brilliant piece of software which makes use of about 11 buttons and 2 sticks that also happens to be one of the greatest videogames to ever hit the shelves (without a doubt leaps and bounds better than any 2D, 2 buttons, 4 directions-driven prequel).

Besides, it really isn t that hard to fathom (not sure if the PC version got the same controls of the next-gen counterparts tho): you got 4 buttons for shooting/heading, passing/tackling, lobbing/pressing and through pass, run at different paces with L2/R1/R2 (pretty much the same layout as Konami games such as Perfect Eleven, Winning Eleven and Pro Evolution Soccer, the first of which was released on Super NES in *gasp* 1994), move with the left stick and then combo the right stick + L1 to perform tricks (like, you can run toward a direction and push the ball elsewhere to dribble the opponent while retaining possession much like you d do IRL...which is a huge improvement if you ask me).

Takes 10 minutes tops to get used to it really, and once you get the jist of it, you got your whole team under total control and can do whatever you want with the ball (SWOS controls are, of course, 100 times better and the state of art in this peculiar field but that s besides the point). :D

That being said, to each his own (don t be stuck in the past due to prejudices though!) :D

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14 years 2 months ago #83074 by Rock and Roll
Thanks for the comments Retri :). Long posts require long answers :).

It s all about what you look for in a game I think. I used to collect football games when I was young and kept it up till my early twenties I think. I started on one of those ancient gameconsoles (Interton 4000 I think) in around 1982. Each player had his (/her :)) own key. It was a laugh as the game even had cheerleaders at half time :).

After that the ZX Spectrum (I m not a big C64 fan), and I think I ve played just about every footie game ever released on it. From Match Day to Emlyn Hughes to Football Manager (the one and only).

From the Speccy to the Amiga 500 and Kick Off 1 and 2 which were my new addiction...until I played Sensi that is :). The simple game play, custom teams etc still make this my number one footie game ever. Goal! was great too as were a few of those Manchester United games (taking Sunderland to the top of the Premier League ). I think I’ve played just about every footie game on the Amiga too (Dribbling anyone? :)).

After the Amiga, the PC. I bought just about every football game I could find here. I still have quite a few old footie games on the PC (SWOS 96/97 of course (I never played the Amiga version back in the day), Actua Soccer, USA 94, and many others)) and I was an avid follower of the FIFA-series. I had all FIFA’s from the first one through FIFA 2001 (my favourites are still 95 (great gameplay), 97 (Indoors!!!) and World Cup 98 (Vanuatu World Cup Champions!))…then I just lost interest in the series. I played 2003 and didn’t like it. I also collected a lot of other different sports games (most tennis games, a lot of ice hockey/American football, baseball, athletics etc. etc. etc.) and played a lot of Command and Conquer and Warcraft (especially Warcraft 2, which I’ve just started again). There’s a whole new thread lurking in this one (which other (sports) games do you enjoy…and still have).

There’s more to gaming than the PC and it was time to play around with the PS2 (which I got with a free football game, though I can’t remember which one at the moment…it wasn’t great but you could play with a lot of international teams (Cook Islands!!!) and could take control of an amateur team and take them to the top of the professional league). I did eventually get FIFA 08 which I’ve played a lot with friends. Great game, and we especially enjoy all being on the same team vs the Computer (though it has an annoying bug in which our keeper sometimes refuses to stay close to his goal…). I don’t think I have footie games on the Gamecube or Wii (and I don’t want them :)).

I don’t yet have a PS3 (birthday present for me in July :)) and FIFA 10/11 will be a game I’ll look for. So my FIFA10-experience is currently limited to the PC version. It doesn’t play as well as FIFA08 on the PS2, and I don’t think that the keyboard suits the game. Having umpteen keys just doesn’t feel right, which is why I refuse to use more than (about) 3 keys (thinking back to NBA Live I had A=jump/steal, S=switch/pass, D=shoot and W=sprint, I try to set the keys about the same for each game I play). I think I have to use 5 or 6 at the moment, sometimes in combinations for lobbing etc., without learning the tricks, which is why I’m not going to be learning them anytime soon. I suppose I could switch to a gamepad (which is probably one of the reasons why I like the PS2) but I’d prefer not to (total old man reason here, but I’d have to change my desk height and chair as I need to sit different when using the pad, and I’d have to sit further away, and then I’d have to wear my glasses which I refuse :)).

Oh, and I haven’t played Mario (except the Olympics games on the Wii), or most beat-em-ups. I only play sports, bar a few exceptions (C C, Monkey Island etc.). I usually prefer “older” games, basically because they were usually better programmed due to memory/disk usage limitations, and because of this (in my opinion) have better gameplay. A lot of sequels just added graphics, and 1000 keys (slight exaggeration) just to be “better” than their predecessors. I like games which you can play straight away (like SWOS) and get whipped because you’re just not good enough, not games in which you need to figure out 100 key-combinations just to be able to keep up with your opponent (not that FIFA10 is one of these games, though I know it helps). My online experience is limited to Gran Turismo 4 (only other forum I actively participate on is a GT-forum…and yeah, I suck there too (though I have 100%-game completion including all gold trophies)), Grand Slam Tennis on the Wii (where I’ve actually won more than I’ve lost), Tiger Woods 10 on the Wii, SWOS and now a bit of FIFA (I might try C C online soon, but I really suck at C C4). FIFA10 on the PC is the worst I’ve seen so far, though from what you say, I gather this is a EA-refusingtoproperlyimplimentonlineonthepc-problem, rather than a FIFA10-problem.

Time to hunt out some of my old classics from the attic :).

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14 years 2 months ago #83082 by xflea
Nice summary Rock.

Footie games I played besides Sensible products:
- Microprose Soccer (C64);
- USA 94 (PC);
- plus some others I don t even remember...

I never really got into FIFA or PES or whatever, and I only played games on C64, Amiga and PC.

Apart from football I used to play basketball a lot (hehe, both real and computer games), the games were:
- One on One (C64) - absolutely funny 1on1 Erving-Bird encounter;
- Fast Break (C64) - simple but brilliant 2on2 basketball;
- TV Sports Basketball (Amiga and PC) - this is the SWOS of computer basketball really, I mostly played it on PC (harddisk version!). SWOS and TVSBB are the only games I even cared for editing teams data...
- NBA Live (PC) - great multiplayer sessions in our dormitory during students years. I guess we played version 96 or 97.

Other great sports games:
- Hat-trick (C64) - simplified ice hockey, the best C64 game for me;
- Deluxe Ski Jump (PC) - ski jumping (Malysz-mania!), I believe everyone in Poland played this game at least once...

As for overall game playing I spent most of the time playing 3 games series:
- Sensible Soccer + SWOS;
- Diablo (1 2);
- HOMM (2 3 a lot, 1 4 a bit, 5 never - it sucks).

Here s a custom team I made some time ago presenting my all-time favourite computer games:

Nowadays I only play WinUAE SWOS and HOMM 3 :)

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14 years 2 months ago #83083 by Retrieving

Meanwhile I had a chance to actually try the latest FIFA on PC (the one you were talking about) at a friend s house and it does indeed suck lol. Can t believe that you were playing it with a keyboard, Rock, it must ve been terrible!

On the other hand the demo for the up and coming FIFA South Africa World Cup 2010 game (PS3) has been released on Playstation Network and boy, what an amazing game...been playing it for the past day and a half and I m constantly left wanting for more, can t wait to play as Japan in the final build. :D


that team s epic! :D

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14 years 2 months ago #83087 by Rock and Roll
@Retrieving: I ll put it down for my PS3-wishlist. Got FIFA World Cup and Gran Turismo 5 on it now :).

@xFlea: Nice list :). I ll think of mine ll be hard :).

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13 years 11 months ago #86044 by Rock and Roll
Quick question:
Is it worth getting the World Cup Edition for the PS3, or should I just get FIFA 10, or just wait for FIFA 11?

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13 years 11 months ago - 13 years 11 months ago #86052 by Retrieving

Quick question:
Is it worth getting the World Cup Edition for the PS3, or should I just get FIFA 10, or just wait for FIFA 11?

World Cup 2010 is vastly superior to FIFA 10 gameplay-wise, however, even though it s got all of the 200 or so national teams affiliated to FIFA (many of which have up to 4 official kits and their respective Coaches 3D models in the game) and lots of cool features, it doesn t have Club teams/Manager Mode.

Personally I haven t touched FIFA 10 since WC 2010 came out, it just feels way too rubbish in comparison.

As awesome as FIFA 11 and PES/Winning Eleven 2011 sound from press releases and early testings they re still months away (they ll prolly get released in November) so if I were you I d most likely invest 30~ Euro on the WC game, trust me, You won t regret it!

EDIT: what s your PSN ID btw, Rock, mine s RetriSearain .

EDIT #2: In regards to the FIFA 10 Vs. WC2010 debate, lemme quote my post from the FIFA forums:

Off the top of my head (I ll write more as I play):

WC2010 improvements list::

* The pitch seems slightly bigger.
* The kits are gorgeous and spot on down to the pixel. There s also like 4 of them for each team.
* Players likeness has been improved A LOT, you can now tell who is who from miles away. EA have really upped their game under this aspect.
* players animations appear to be more fluid (especially during the transition between two different sets) and there isn t as much flickering as say in FIFA 10 or NBA 2k10.
* I m loving the coaches cutscenes lol.
* Crowd is MILES better and actually reacts accordingly to whatever is happening on the pitch. I feel like I can crank the sound right up for this.
* Lighting has been tweaked, no more Camp Neon syndrome.
* Gameplay wise the game does feel definitely improved.
* The left stick movements feel tighter than in FIFA 10; dribbling has also been made easier, even with just the aforementioned left stick.
* The ball s gotten more weight to it, feels a lot more realistic and as a result, shooting s a lot more satisfying.
* Finishing and heading have been improved as well, I ve been scoring all sorts of goals really.
* There seems to be more decisiveness in player s control of his own momentum. Subsequently the game feels stiffer , but in a way that gives you way more control over what you re doing, rather than leaving you overshooting and catching up the whole time a la FIFA 10.
* The turning circle of the standard jogging speed is a lot bigger as opposed to FIFA wherein you could spin on a sixpence.
* No more stadium cut before the substitutions, hated that stuff.
* The game flow is right on the money and definitely a step in the right direction compared to its prequel.
* The game doesn t look as lifeless and uncannyvalleyic as its prequel. They haven t quite reached J.League Winning Eleven atmoshere levels but they re getting closer.
* Lots and lots of new animations, some of which functional to the gameplay (new chest trap to speed up control, etc.).
* You can now lean against your opponent before a header (you should see Cannavaro doing it...f***ing lifelike) and engage an adversary in contact regardless of the position of the ball (they prolly figured this out from Madden lol).
* They got the badge (thus the licence) of every friggin national team in the world (stuff like Afghanistan, Solomon Island and Vanuatu included...haven t seen these many NT s since the Sensible World Of Soccer days).
* Japan s got a 3.5 stars rating, HURRAY.
* The referee makes a whole lot more calls on players being knocked off of the ball by standing tackles and the likes, so yeah, the sturdy players ridicolous and artificially augmented effectiveness is still there but has somehow been mitigated (it s also a little easier to fend em off with the shoulder move even while controlling shorter and lighter players such as Di Natale, Iniesta and Del Piero).
* Can t play Street Fighter II in the box anymore, penalties are now given on standing tackles fouls as well (and GK get sent off when needed be).
* GK s AI was probably tweaked (no more running ahead for no reason whatsoever) and they behave a lot more realistically.
* Scoring from outside the box is now a little easier and a lot more satisfying, reminds me a lot of the old PES/WE shooting system.
* The game definitely feels a lil more weighty , players inertia (when on the run) isn t as bad as in FIFA 10 though and the ball doesn t bounce around pinball-style anymore.
* Loads of stats available at the end of the match, reminded me a lot of JWE2009CC.
* Menus are stylish to say the least, a little more straight forward and easier/quicker to navigate.
* I guess it all boils down to a matter of preferences and taste, however I love the soundtrack (Florence and the Machines are in it...nuff said)...I didn t even know the WC official theme was so cool, lol.
* Game s a little faster even on Slow ...I kinda like the pace though.
* Lob passes seem to be quite a lot more accurate.
* Gotta love the new PK system, adds a lot of realism.
* Seems like the more a player is skillfull (dribbling, technique, agility etc.), the higher his chances to escape a tackle turn out to be...

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13 years 11 months ago #86056 by Rock and Roll
OK thanks Retri! I ll go for the World Cup version (costs 50 euro s here, but I ll do some hunting :)).
I haven t yet got a PS3 (waiting for my birthday...15 days and counting :)) but I do have a PS3-nick (created it years ago just in case ;)).
I think it s RockAndRoll...but I ll check in a few weeks time :D.

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