Re: Concept of the Lego Amiga keypad I am designing

6 years 10 months ago #137668 by captaincofresi
Well, the design is done. Now just waiting for the mailman to deliver all the pieces ;-)

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6 years 10 months ago #137747 by captaincofresi
And now for the concept vs. the build Lego model for the keypad case (without keys). Well, I am also still waiting for the printed black pieces for the boarding. Will be here in probably a week I hope ;-).

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6 years 8 months ago #138085 by captaincofresi
Thanks for who has moved this thread to the right hardware forum :-). Here is the progress, the only thing left to do is to transfer all the keys to the keypad. Just this week I was very happy ;D to recieve the printed logo on Lego for this.

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6 years 7 months ago #138192 by captaincofresi
Did a whole redesign last weekend, so I could use the keys that are attatched to a plastic plate that I got from Djowger. In a few days I will recieve the last Lego pieces to make my Lego SWOS keypad complete. Still needs a bit of soldering too, when that s done and it works I will be showing it right here... 8)

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6 years 7 months ago #138195 by captaincofresi
;D Finally it s here and fully operational for Amiga (and with an usb adapter for pc/mac). The final version of my Lego Sensi keypad!

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6 years 7 months ago - 6 years 7 months ago #138202 by captaincofresi
;D In this photo you can see a bit better that it is a Lego keypad controller for Sensi. And many thanks to Djowger for giving me a keypad on Sensidays Holland, it s still the same keypad in a different casing and still working!

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