SWOS 96/97 - complete database (incl. player skills)

16 years 10 months ago #23001 by Playaveli

But unfortunately my ideas hasnt many impression in swos fans

like this one forum.sensiblesoccer.info/index.php?topic=1823.0

Well, that is another story. I bet a lot of people would have answered in that thread if you would have written something like I will do that, I will do this . But asking for help or comments on something that is not here yet...people often hide away. That s normal in our societies.

But be sure, if you realize those ideas the reactions will fly in. ;)

Go for it. It s much appreciated.

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16 years 10 months ago #23007 by whiteulver
I agree but when you are going to make a program or utility it is better to know what people want and add these stufs from the beginning

than release a beta version, receive comments, and then rebuild the program again.

It would be more easier for me and spend less time to create it.

This is what i ask for comments.

For me it is easy to edit a career file or anything to swos, with a hex editor.

Is this easy for all swos fans?

If it was i think that none would need friendly gui utilites about editing swos.

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16 years 10 months ago #23030 by SKID
Are the skills in the Amiga SWOS 96-97 the same with PC SWOS 96-97?

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16 years 10 months ago #23033 by Playaveli

Are the skills in the Amiga SWOS 96-97 the same with PC SWOS 96-97?

Yes! 100% same database!

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16 years 10 months ago #23383 by MIJB#19
What I always would have liked to have is a feature in career mode that helps you find players of the national team that you ve been asked to coach. I mean, how should I know from the top of my head about Stefan Jansen hanging out with Salernitana in the Italian Serie B? Okay, I don t need him, but it would be nice to know where (for example) all the quality Polish players are hanging out.

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16 years 10 months ago #23384 by Oli O.
Very easy. Use the SWOS editor like this: forum.sensiblesoccer.info/index.php?topic=3530.0

Search criteria: nationality

But it only works with the basic database which you have at the beginning of a career. New players like trialists or ex-trialists can t be found.

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16 years 10 months ago #23386 by Playaveli
That should be possible.

Whiteulver, could you add a search function for nationalities? That would be awesome.

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16 years 10 months ago #23409 by whiteulver

That should be possible.

Whiteulver, could you add a search function for nationalities? That would be awesome.

I am working know in search function on my online database. ;)

I really dont have free time but the search function is something i did for my job too so

it is easy to adjust it to swos database.

Also since i have not a pay server, sometimes online swos database may not work. :(

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16 years 10 months ago #23412 by Playaveli

That should be possible.

Whiteulver, could you add a search function for nationalities? That would be awesome.

I am working know in search function on my online database. ;)

I really dont have free time but the search function is something i did for my job too so

it is easy to adjust it to swos database.

Also since i have not a pay server, sometimes online swos database may not work. :(

We can host the database for you. Is that of any interest to you? Contact me in MSM.

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16 years 10 months ago #23419 by MIJB#19

Very easy. Use the SWOS editor like this: forum.sensiblesoccer.info/index.php?topic=3530.0

Search criteria: nationality

But it only works with the basic database which you have at the beginning of a career. New players like trialists or ex-trialists can t be found.

True, I actually used good old Pablo F. s SWOS editor in the past to find all the players of the wanted nationality. But given that SWOS was on a different computer than the editor back then, it was far from a perfect solution for lazy people. ;)

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